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Has anyone really put any thought as to why the body decay timer is so fast?
What's the point in having a 15-20 minute body decay timer, as opposed to the more common hour+ long time?
Aside from item count and making the game all that more difficult, I can't see a reason.

The current decay timer is simply NOT a sufficient amount of time to retrieve ones loot in a difficult PvM situation, period. In multiple instances, I've had to use the stuck menu just so I had enough time to re-gear, recall back to the general area, and stealth my way in to loot.

No, of course this is not an attempt to make things super easy for everyone, and thisisnotacarebearserverblahblah, I just like to see reasonable functionality with anything.
It's not that I don't want it to be difficult, that's inherent anyway, I just don't see the point in it being impossible. Try it if you don't think it is! If you don't have a rune back, you're fukked. If you can't use the stuck menu or there isn't a city nearby, you're fukked. Etc.

I've played on a handful of servers in which the decay timer was set to at least an hour, and it was amazingly less stressful to have to retrieve one's body/items.

I doubt the majority of players would be against this =p Say so if you support/oppose. Lets say 45 minute decay for NPC bodies, and 1 hour long for player decay.

20 mins timer is already longer than it was on any sphere server. Plus, I like the fact that if someone dies somewhere in deceit - the body is gone(most likely). Want to have some extra insurance? Place a house near the entrance, would be much easier to restock. Thats UO, if you die - you lose items. Having low playerbase is definitely doesn't help to keep this feeling, but thats why most of us playing UO in first place.
I say, timer should stay as it is Imo

I agree with Gang. If you lose the risk you lose an element of excitement. There are some difficult dungeons to solo in and I have died and lost lots of gear before... its annoying but ultimately its replaceable. If you don't have the threat of losing your gear then you can just run around carelessly dying and resing your way through a dungeon and then you lose a sense of accomplishment too.

Well all i have to say to that (cause obv i disagree) is that a 300+ playerbase server wasnt affected at all by a 1 hour decay timer lol *shrug*
I honestly don't think those are valid points...

One of the biggest problem I see with extending decay timers is this is it will stifle economic growth for blacksmiths from what it already is now if not with other professions. We are currently working on that and making the economy better. In my opinion I don't think this is the step towards the right direction. We are wanting a more flowing economy and going to where people being able to save what they lost most of the time isn't going to do that but slow it down. Ultima has always been about risks and even though it maybe annoying at times it's better for the shard as a whole. At one point we may talk about the decay timer and see if it is where we want it.

Decay timer is fine dude it's 30 minutes... 20 for body->bones then the bones stay for 10 min. Plenty of time...

Habibi Jones Wrote:Decay timer is fine dude it's 30 minutes... 20 for body->bones then the bones stay for 10 min. Plenty of time...

I agree, that's plenty of time to get back to your corpse.

If it's going to take longer then you shouldn't be crawling alone.

Althos, sorry but i got very VERY sick of talk about "economic growth" and anything economic related, on IN-X. People talked about it non-stop like it was impossible to get cash and whatnot, and the thing about armor and blacksmiths not getting work? As soon as im GM blacksmithing, im gonna be handing out low to mid level armors like NOTHING, probably for free just because it's so easy to get the ingots and make them. Getting gold from hunting is right where it should be, because im concerned about losing my shit, but because it's doesn't create a huge hold in my pocket i dont get stressed and seriously angry about it. On IN-X, unfortunately, it was that way. What it means basically, is that when I die, my gear moves on to the next person and i have to buy more or create more, and since im not worried about dieing, because money is easier, I go buy more armor easily and thus the economy moves.

It takes 10 minutes to get out of a dungeon and re-geared IF.....IF you can use the stuck menu to get back to town. That means under normal circumstances it takes at least 15, probably 20 minutes to get re-geared just before recalled back, so it gives you 10 minutes to get your body back, which is a blink of an eye in many difficult areas like mustang spawns or mazes.

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