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I know this won´t be a popular suggestion in the eyes of some players.

But right now i see the whole economic system really out of balance, there are a few peopel on the server that basicly have the right to all trade on this server. It´s the few players that was so lucky to start early and get one of the few attractive static houses near Brit bank. Some are even unguarded so red players can come and buy.
This means that any new or old player that don´t own one of these house can´t set up a vendor and make a profit.
This will in the end turn this shard into a shard with a few filthy rich players and alot of poor players that can´t use there crafting skills for anything.
Sure you can buy a house elsewhere and try to attract players, but honestly you can´t compete with a location near Brit bank.
So my idear is to yes get rid of these houses, with a refund to the owners and set up a vendor area, as different IN servers have had before. Where all players can get a vendor set up, so we won´t make that small elite of filthy rich static owners.

Jealousy is unbecoming.

This is going to be a touchy subject, and I'm going to have to think a bit more about how to discuss it. I see your point Shadok, but then again those older folks worked to get what they have. I'll think on it some.

There are still statics open near the Britain bank, and I can even add some more. Smile How about a nice row of vendors next to the river on the west side of the bank. Maybe a little 3x3 pedestal that sells for 30K and allows you to place a vendor in the middle, then decoration in the other 8 tiles.

Actually instead of selling these, it would make more sense to rent them out since if people don't keep the payments up, it will open up to someone else later.

Lamby i am almost done training the skills i need, i have no desire for a huge castel or other stuff, just a few nickels for PvP now and then, so don´t need anymore money. But alot of new players have problems making a profit. So no it´s not Jealosy, it´s simply a way to make this far for evryone and letting the new players have a chance too.

Eru it would be cool with some place like you just mentioned.

I have one of these prime spots i have let other player place vendor in my shop for free , there are 4 players doing this now & many others in the past who didnt stay. & there still places around me ,also some of these spots are owned by ppl who dont play.economic system really out of balance due to lack of players

I agree with Shadow I started late and was not lucky enough to have a static but shadow was nice enough to let me place Elkan the vendor in his static FREE OF CHARGE! making just one vendor area is lame and everyone does it i like it the way it is not because i have a good location for a vendor but its unique and the way the encomny is right now hunting is the best and fastest way to get gold "On a reguler basis" sure having a vendor helps but right now ive had logs on elkan and have not sold 1 log everyone wants regular logs useing the hall of commernce thread you can get what you have for sell out there alot quicker then having a vendor i think it shoulkd stay the way it is i have not heard the first new player conplain about not having a good spot to set a vendor up we have alot other bigger problems to deal with then vendor spots and when it comes to the encomny no one understands this more then I im a merchant thats how i make my living everyday seeing what is "hot" quick sells what trades people are working on and i dont really seeing the vendor issue being that big of a problem for new comers besides I am one of those lucky players and i dont really have to worry with gold placing my vendor in brit did not make me rich hard work treating others with respect and building a good rep for my guild as myself ive helped every new player i see i give a set of armor to or spen das much as a hour or two helping them get use to the shard and yes i am tooting my on horn I work hard. thanks Crad.

its kinda true what shadok says when i first started i kinda buy everything i saw on the Daemon vendor afther i kinda abused shadow his vendor :p and i have my vendor at east brit.. but no ppl come there...

I think some kind of vendor mall is the best solution(aka vendors by the river or whatever you do to make it look as RPish as possible) Make the NPC's. Charge the money...I'm not sure how much it should charge now, since due to the amount of players I can't imagine people making huge profit on the sales... But it could be adapted as the level of interest rises...
Also it has to be in the guarded area. Who cares if you're red or not? I always used to have my main character red, that never stopped me from creating an alt with 50 magery and 50 eval , moving some money/rune+house key on it and then trading in safety. I can imagine red's buying expensive goods at One Stop Shop now, when we don't have too much people online, but on populated server you'd eventually die while shopping the rares, I bet that would make them reconsider the way they do it...

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