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don't kill the slime creature outside brit bridge!!!

shade was testing out new monsters with players last night.... when you kill the slime creature the 3rd and final time the server will crash...

just now, when i log in i was right next to one, and it followed me in brit and the guards killed it and server crashed again :/

YOU BASTARD!!!! :lol:

Stop crashing the server!!!!

I prefer Alzheimer than Parkinson. Better forget to pay the beer than pour it all.

The Love Tent, all you need in PvP Suplys for a good Price! And some other things Big Grin!
[Image: Love_Tent_Map.jpg]

In Front Minoc MINES! In the TENT!

Accepting Carpentry orders!

That would be themTongue I think I fixed the bug, but I'll remove them just in case, until we are sure.

Chances are that they will re spawn though, so please do not kill them:p

Sorry:o I won't do it again(?)

They won't respawn as I just added them specifically for a group to test for me so no worries there.

It's fixed now and you should be able to kill as many slimes as you want on next rebootBig Grin

I'll be restarting the server quite soon.

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