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Changelog: 21:19:42/1 Februari -00:16:53/2 Februar

I've been pretty busy today so havent really managed to get super much done, but here it is. Just posting so you guys know that I'm not sleeping.

Revision: 125
Author: maka
Date: 00:16:53, den 2 februari 2007
Fixed a bug with backpack single click item count display and removed weight display. You can now color sandals. You can now color hair. Fixed animal taming. You now get the proper messages and the skill should not freeze itself and other skills. Added AllowCriminals(and murders), remove event gear and generally changed them so that they can be displayed to players.
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Containers/Container.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Tailor Items/DyeTub.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Mobiles/PlayerMobile.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Skills/AnimalTaming.cs
Modified : /Items/Clothing/Shoes.cs
Modified : /Items/Misc/Teleporter.cs

Revision: 124
Author: maka
Date: 21:19:42, den 1 februari 2007
Fixed rose color. Mana potions no longer consume if they are even pots. Shrink: Can no longer shrink other ppls animals, proper hue and the pot consumes on use. Fixed so that you wont be flagged criminal when being polymorphed. Fixed the siliver mining msg. Containers now display items for both players and staff. You can no longer bank while being in event supply. Contains now work sphere style, virtually no item limit and no weight limit (Bank box has weight limit). If you are in an event you can no longer use non event items. Some guard zones fixed, forgot to remove/add some. Newbied items no longer move in your backpack. A lot of these changes were done in the core, they are therefore not displayed here.
Modified : /Custom/Adds/Items/CustomOres.cs
Modified : /Custom/Adds/Items/Mana Potions/BaseManaPotion.cs
Modified : /Custom/Adds/Items/ShrinkPotion.cs
Modified : /Custom/Adds/Others/Shrink System/ShrinkCommand.cs
Modified : /Custom/Adds/System/Event Supplier/EquipmentStorage.cs
Modified : /Custom/Adds/System/MurderCheck.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Engines/Harvest/Mining.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Containers/Container.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Magical/Misc/RecallRune.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Misc/OreInfo.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Mobiles/Townfolk/Banker.cs

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