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Christmas Without Decorations

I had a wondrous idea this year, to keep my Christmas tree outside so all could see. My plan was to decorate it and then move it to a prime location where everyone could see it in all its glory. However as soon as I finished it, I decided it was time for a little break and as I sat on my porch evil reindeer ran past swiping my ornaments!!! These were no ordinary reindeer, mainly because they are jerks, they seemed to have great speed and quite a bit of strength.

I wasn't too upset over this though, they only managed to get the lower ornaments. So the next day I decided to decorate the bottom half of the tree again but it turns out they had the same diabolical plan! This went on for about a week and now I am turning to you for help. The last of my ornaments have been stolen today and I need some retrieved.

In one week or so, I will award 3 people who bring me the most of my decorations back. Of course since they took more then I needed, they don't all have to be returned. Feel free to pocket a few for your own decorating as well. I estimate that 70 ornaments have been taken, so all who are interested get to searching! I think it will be impossible to find more then 10 a day though, which is why I will give everyone about a week to collect them. Chances are that the reindeer still have them but some may have dropped while they were running away.

Best of luck to all and have a Merry Christmas!

Wow, it turns out as I was writing this post a baby reindeer ran off with one of my other decorations! Now my door looks naked, my poor green door. I think I will move after the holidays... Bah if you get what the baby reindeer took you can have it! That just made me lose my Christmas spirit. Stupid wannabe deer...

This event will end tomorrow, find the rest quickly!

Do we turn them in to you? If so can we do it today? I wont be around tomarrow I dont think.

I have hired a local girl to work for me this Christmas, she can be found at the pits. I hired her so that everyone has the choice to return the items or not and if so, how many. However, the star ornaments are not returnable and are for anyone who found them to keep since they were not collected from the reindeer.

I think she will answer any question you might have about this if you take the time to listen to her. If not you can always page or post here.

I set it up this way because I doubt I will be on for Christmas and during this time of year people become very busy and may forget all about UO for a few days. This way everyone has a chance to return them without needing me around Wink

Thanks for participating and happy holidays!

What a wonderful Event Shade! I am sorry I am just now reading about it, because as you said the Holidays keeps everyone busier than usual!

Hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas, and you all have a Safe & Happy New Year!

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Live For The Present...
Look To The Future.

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