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I was thinking about

Playing in my extra time... Havent played in so long. I was just wondering how the server was doing? How active it is, and the pvp or everything. Zippo and I are going to come on, on our wow days off. lol. Im probably going to suck so hardcore. Anyway glad to be back going to see how it goes... I guess any server could use an old schooler. Since I did come up with alot of ideas here. Anyway hey to all that know me!!! TTY Guys soon

Well the server is down for unknown amount of time if it even comes up sadly. I hear forums are closing today aswell.

Icon, IN-X is temporary down. Go play at "Plan B" instead for now, it's an "IN-X replica" on sphere, pretty much. It's just an ábyss shard where u can have fun while IN-X is down, but it's at least something. You'll get your skills for free.


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