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Elven Elf

Después de siglos y intentos fallidos nace en el mundo de Britania en un pueblo llamado DELUCIA una nueva especie.
Un experimento de un alquimista y un elfo muy viejo llamado Murdock que se encontraba viviendo en el pueblo de delucia ya que su raza habia sido estinguida y su apariencia era muy humana entonces solamente sabia de su esistencia el pueblo de delucia.

El puso su gran saviduria que obtuvo durante su gran vida y el alquimista puso sus experimentos y pociones para crear una especie que pueda ayudar a su pueblo a evitar invasiones y saqueos.

Esta especie es inconfundible su cuerpo es corpulento y estatura media su color de piel es verde cupper.
Tienen la habilidad de esconderse y atacar muy rápido con el arco pero también tienen un defecto la claridad de la luz no puede tocar su cuerpo si no sufrirán grandes quemaduras por eso siempre llevan puestas las elven túnicas y unas elven Botas.

Estas túnicas y botas las creo el tailor de delucia solamente para esta especie nadie las podrá obtener ya que llevan un hechizo del mago del pueblo que en el momento de su muerte desaparece de su cuerpo.

Así el Rey del pueblo llamado Assab nombro a esta especie como Elvens Elfs a tanto fue la admiración del rey hacia ellos
Que les otorgo el nombre de Devilman y Doc Dos antiguos guerreros abatidos por las invasiones que sufria el pueblo ellos recibieron una buena casa en delucia y una cuantas misiones que hacer entre ellas entrenarse hasta tener habilidades y hechizos disponibles para adentrarse en el magnifico mundo de britania una hazaña que nunca nadie de esa ciudad intento.

Pero el pueblo necesitaba la ayuda inmediata de esos dos elfos ya que las provisiones del pueblo escaseaban y sufrían muchos ataques.
Tras unos años de entrenamiento y perfección ellos consiguieron todo lo que el Rey Assab les ordeno así el les nombro Guerreros Oficiales del pueblo y les dijo que estaban preparados para la nueva hazaña de adentrarse en el mundo de BRITANIA.

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

After failed attempts for many centuries in the world of Britannia, a town called DeLucia a new species was born.
An experiment by an alchemist and a very old elf called Murdock, who was living in the village of DeLucia, his race had been extinguished and his appearance was very human only the people of DeLucia knew of his existence.
He used his great powers he obtained during his life and the alchemist created experiments with bodies and potions to create a kind that could help his people to prevent invasions and looting.
His species is unmistakable, There bodies are big and of average height with green copper skin color. They have the ability to hide and attack quickly with bow's, but are uncapable to with stand bright light. They wear robes and elven armor to protect themselves from the damage the light can cause. The Tailor of Delucia crafted these for the elves, they carry a magical power for when the Elf dies the armor disappears so no one but the elves can wear it.
Assab, the king, declared the species to be elven elves.
"I give them the name of Devilman and Doc. Two old warriors killed by the invasions long ago. I grant them a house in DeLucia." the king continued,"the most first complete a few missions including training to take skills and spells available to enter the wonderful world of Britannia a feat that no one of that city has succeed with." He finished.
Fear was still within the people because they knew they need protection and it could take years if not a lif time to complete the necssary tasks.
After years of training and perfection they were ready. The King and the Warriors were named officers of the people and said they were prepared to explore into the new world of Britain.
"we have just started are legend" they yelled.

*I edited this a little to make more sense when translated to english*

Devilman....¿Podría usted por favor, añadir a la historia un poco más? Es un poco corto en especial desde que su pregunta sobre los artículos rp tantos

Thanks for the translated version.

Después de siglos y intentos fallidos nace en el mundo de Britania en un pueblo llamado Delucia Reinado por el Rey Assab un Joven heredero con falta de ayuda y motivación para gobernar un reino.

Un Experimento de un alquimista y un elfo viejo llamado Murdock que se encontraba viviendo en el pueblo de delucia ya que su raza habia sido estinguida y su apariencia era muy humana entonces solamente sabia de su esistencia el pueblo de delucia.
El puso su gran saviduria que obtuvo durante su gran vida y el alquimista puso sus experimentos y pociones para crear una especie que pueda ayudar a su pueblo a evitar invasiones y saqueos.

Esta especie es inconfundible su cuerpo es corpulento y estatura media su color de piel es verde cupper y sus orejas son puntiagudas aunque siempre las llevan escondidas para evitar ser reconocidos y pasar como un ciudadano mas.

Tienen la habilidad de esconderse y atacar muy rapido con arco pero
también tienen un defecto la claridad de la luz no puede tocar su cuerpo si no sufrirán grandes quemaduras por eso siempre llevan puestas las elven túnicas y unas elven Botas
estos elementos son fundamentales ya que esta especie vive en la noche.
Tambien tienen varias habilidades una de ellas es atacar con hechizos de
fuego que dañan bastante vida tambien tienen la habilidad de usar hehizos
de magos y enfrentarse a todos los animales de Britania.

Con el paso de los años los Taylor del pueblo estuvieron estudiando la forma de inventar Ropa que cubriese el cuerpo de esta raza ellos probaron con todo tipos de telas pero ninguna era suficiente fuerte para ellos pero una noche un joven Taylor ofreció el taller de su abuelo ya fallecido nadie dudo en entrar y usarlo y de repente se encontraron unas telas en un baul y un pergamino en el que decia como crear una robe y botas para los elfos de la noche y asi usaron esta tela para crear la ropa de los elvens elfs

Así el rey del pueblo llamado Assab nombro a esta especie como Elvens Elfs a tanto fue la admiración del rey hacia ellos
Que les otorgo el nombre de Devilman y Doc ellos recibieron una buena casa en delucia y una cuantas misiones que hacer entre ellas entrenarse hasta tener habilidades y hechizos el Rey Assab les puso dos maestros un mago muy savio con el que aprender los hechizos y habilidades de las magias les costara muchos años menos y un viejo Soldado muy savio que sabia como combatir con todas lar armas y tambien buscar minerales para poder fabricar armaduras capaces de aguantar los ataques de criaturas desconocidas por ellos.

Pero el pueblo necesitaba la ayuda inmediata de esos dos elfos ya que las provisiones del pueblo escaseaban y sufrían muchos ataques.
Tras unos años de entrenamiento y perfección desarroyaron todas las hablidades de lucha y estaban aprendiendo los trabajos necesarios para abastecerse de objetos.

Unos cinco años de empezar a entrenar ellos estaban preparados para entrar al mundo el Rey Assab les ofrecio un mapa y un sobre donde decia como llegar a una cuidad muy conocida Britain alli les esperaba varios comerciantes y mercaderes para avastecer su pueblo Delucia.

Ellos tomaron el rumbo hacia esa dicha cuidad a la salida de delucia se encontraron en una batalla con unos monstruos pero los dos elfos se desicieron de todos y asi continuaron su camino.

cuando llegaron a Britain habrieron el sobre que el Rey Assab les dio en el sobre contenia un mensaje muy claro si traeis las cabezas de los vampiros y daemons encontrareis el camino hacia la victoria.

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Your story has been accepted, your watch period begins now. I will retranslate the new story when i get a chance so everyone can understand it.

After failed attempts centuries and born into the world of Britannia in a town called Delucia Reign of King Assab a young heir to lack of support and motivation to rule a kingdom.

An Experiment of an alchemist and an old elf called Murdock who was living in the village of DeLucia and his race had been extinguished and her appearance was very human then only knew of his esistance the people of DeLucia.
He put his great saviduria he obtained during his great life and the alchemist made his experiments and potions to create a kind that could help his people to prevent invasions and looting.

This species is unmistakable, his body is big and average height of their skin color is green cupper and his ears are pointed, but always carry hidden to avoid being recognized as a citizen and spend more.

They have the ability to hide and attack very fast with a bow but
also have a defect in the bright light can not touch your body if you do not suffer major burns that always wears the robes and some elven elven boots
these elements are essential as this species lives at night.
They also have several skills one is attacking spell
quite life fire damage also have the ability to use hehizos
magicians and face all the animals of Britain.

Over the years, Taylor's people were considering how to invent clothes that cover the body of this race they tested with all types of fabrics but none was strong enough for them but one night a young Taylor offered his grandfather's workshop I doubt anyone late to enter and use it and suddenly found some fabric in a trunk and a scroll that read as creating a robe and boots for night elves and so used this fabric to create clothing of elfs elvens

So the king of the town called Assab named this species as Elvens Elfs to both was the king's admiration for them
I give them the name of Doc Devilman and they got a good house in DeLucia and a few missions to do including train to take skills and spells the King Assab two teachers gave them a sorcerer well savio to learn spells and skills the magic would cost them many years younger and an old soldier very Savio who knew how to fight with all weapons lar and also look for minerals to manufacture armor capable of withstanding the attacks of creatures unknown to them.

But the people needed immediate help of these two elves and that provisions were scarce and the people suffered many attacks.
After years of training and perfection and develop it all Skill alignments were learning control and the work needed to stock up.

Some five years to start training they were prepared to enter the world of Assab King offered a map and an envelope that read as reaching a well-known city Britain there waiting for them a number of traders and merchants for their people avastecer Delucia.

They took the path toward that this city just off DeLucia met in a battle with monsters but the two elves Crucial to all and so continued his way.

when they arrived in Britain open the envelope that the King gave Assab on the envelope contained a very clear message if you bring the heads of the vampires and daemons will find the way to victory.


Good luck with the daemon heads *grins*

Thanks QiQi for the tranlation saved me some time Big Grin

*You see Edward eat the head of an Elvens Elf*

I looked at the server status and I noticed a few people in the guild "Elven Elf." I was a little confused about the guild name so I came here and found this thread.

What was your reasoning for your choice of guild name? Redundant?

I'm also a little confused about your player name. It doesn't strike me as Elvish. After a quick Google search I discovered that "Devilman" is the name given to the title character in a Japanese manga series. The name obviously is derived from the two words "Devil" and "Man." The character is possessed by a demon.

Your story speaks of your guild as being a guild of do-gooders. You supposedly possess the good nature of typical elves found in lore. Why would you want to kill daemons while you're an elf, but at the same time have a name that implies you're part devil & man?

"If a player chooses to play the role of a murderous villain who lives his life to slaughter everyone he meets, it would not make sense for him to be helping any other person. Likewise, if someone was to play the role of a holy man who lives for the good of the people, this person cannot kill for any reason."

I feel that player names should also apply. It does not make sense for an Elf to have a name which includes the word "devil" or "man." Although, "Devilman" may directly translate to "anointed one" in Elvish.

I'm all for role play, but I recall it being a bit more strict on IN1. My argument isn't completely unfounded. I suspect this will be taken as an attack and this post will eventually be removed. Meh :Confusedhrugs::

I actually agree with you Brandon, the RP on IN1 was much more strict when you had special items or skin colors. I've noticed players in roleplaying guilds slipping out of their RP quite often but I haven't had the time to deal with it. I'll see if I can make another staff member deal with this issue.

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