02-01-2010, 12:04 AM
This guide is to help you connect to IN:X using a popular third party program called Razor. This program is 100% allowed on IN:X so you can't get in trouble for using it!
[SIZE="5"]Step 1: Downloading & Installing Razor[/SIZE]
Before you can install Razor you need to first install as a minimum, Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, which you can download directly from Microsoft. Here is a link to it for a 32-bit Operating System, and here is a link to it for a 64-bit Operating System. If you aren't sure which you have but know you have Windows XP, right-click on My Computer and select Properties. You should then see 32-bit or 64-bit written here. In Windows Vista, or Windows 7, right click on Computer and select Properties. Under the System section look at what's written for System type.
Download and install Microsoft .NET framework and restart your computer if you're asked to. Once that's done, go here to download the latest version of Razor. Now install Razor and restart your computer if you're asked to.
[SIZE="5"]Step 2: Setting up Razor[/SIZE]
When the install completes you should have a new icon on your desktop. Double click it to start Razor. You should see this welcome screen:
![[Image: razorlogininfo.png]](http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/5398/razorlogininfo.png)
Fill in the Server and Port information as I have here. Then click the Browse... button in the top-right corner of the window and go to where you installed UO. Select your client and then press Open. Next, press the Make These Settings Default button. Now press the Okay button and after a short load you should see the UO window;
![[Image: uologinscreen.png]](http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/7144/uologinscreen.png)
Enter your username and password to login. If you don't already have an account on IN:X, enter a username and password (something not too easy to guess) and if you set up everything correctly, you should then see this screen:
![[Image: serverscreen.png]](http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/5666/serverscreen.png)
Click on IN-X and then you should see a list of characters (if you already have an account), otherwise click the New button to make a new character. Give him/her a nice hairstyle and name and click the right arrow button. You can't choose Gargoyle or Elf since these options aren't enabled on IN:X. At the next screen choose any class, it doesn't matter since you get to choose some starting skills ingame. Once you've chosen your character or made a new one, you should see pits and be ready to go!
[SIZE="6"]Step 3: Configuring all the options in Razor[/SIZE]
Razor has LOADS of options that make it a very powerful tool to use when playing UO.
![[Image: generalb.png]](http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/2993/generalb.png)
On the lefthand side of this window you have a checklist of items you can have Razor filter out for you. If you check something like Weather you won't see rain and snow as you explore the world of IN:X. I suggest you DON'T check the Rewards Gump and Staff Only Items options.
You also have some options on the right-hand side. I like to enable Use Smart Always on Top so whenever I click on UO this Razor window automatically comes up next to it ontop of any other windows I have open. Disabling the Show Welcome Screen (affects all users) option won't show window of an above screenshot where you entered the server and port information.
![[Image: options.png]](http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/9646/options.png)
The most important setting I suggest you disable is Queue LastTarget and TargetSelf. Some other options you may want to enable are Open new corpses within __ tiles and filter repeating system messages.
More Options:
![[Image: moreoptions.png]](http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/136/moreoptions.png)
The only option you really should change is to enable the Auto-Queue Object Delay actions (comes in very handy when you start working with agents). You should then increase the Object delay to 700ms. If you work with Agents and find they often get stuck, increase it some more. You're free to experiment with the rest of the options on this page, you can see what I like playing with.
![[Image: displaycounters.png]](http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/6291/displaycounters.png)
This allows you to see how much of certain items (like reagents, bandaids, etc) you have in your backpack in the titlebar. It's a great tool because this way you don't have to search through your pack to see how much you have before you go hunting. In the part called Title Bar Display you can change what's written here to change what you see at the top of UO.
Copy this text to see the same as what I have;
![[Image: titlebarb.png]](http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/8174/titlebarb.png)
NOTE: If you have this all setup the same as in my screenshot of the Display/Counters tab but don't see the counters, this might be because you have Windows Vista or Windows 7 with the Aero display scheme. To disable this, right-click on your desktop and select Personalize. Select a different theme here. If you like the Aero scheme but desperately want the counters, try Windows 7 Basic (on Vista you might have Windows Vista Basic, I don't remember). This option is pretty close to Aero and you'll see the counters. You can also choose Windows Classic. It looks like Windows ME and earlier versions and also has the counters.
[SIZE="5"]Step 1: Downloading & Installing Razor[/SIZE]
Before you can install Razor you need to first install as a minimum, Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, which you can download directly from Microsoft. Here is a link to it for a 32-bit Operating System, and here is a link to it for a 64-bit Operating System. If you aren't sure which you have but know you have Windows XP, right-click on My Computer and select Properties. You should then see 32-bit or 64-bit written here. In Windows Vista, or Windows 7, right click on Computer and select Properties. Under the System section look at what's written for System type.
Download and install Microsoft .NET framework and restart your computer if you're asked to. Once that's done, go here to download the latest version of Razor. Now install Razor and restart your computer if you're asked to.
[SIZE="5"]Step 2: Setting up Razor[/SIZE]
When the install completes you should have a new icon on your desktop. Double click it to start Razor. You should see this welcome screen:
![[Image: razorlogininfo.png]](http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/5398/razorlogininfo.png)
Fill in the Server and Port information as I have here. Then click the Browse... button in the top-right corner of the window and go to where you installed UO. Select your client and then press Open. Next, press the Make These Settings Default button. Now press the Okay button and after a short load you should see the UO window;
![[Image: uologinscreen.png]](http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/7144/uologinscreen.png)
Enter your username and password to login. If you don't already have an account on IN:X, enter a username and password (something not too easy to guess) and if you set up everything correctly, you should then see this screen:
![[Image: serverscreen.png]](http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/5666/serverscreen.png)
Click on IN-X and then you should see a list of characters (if you already have an account), otherwise click the New button to make a new character. Give him/her a nice hairstyle and name and click the right arrow button. You can't choose Gargoyle or Elf since these options aren't enabled on IN:X. At the next screen choose any class, it doesn't matter since you get to choose some starting skills ingame. Once you've chosen your character or made a new one, you should see pits and be ready to go!
[SIZE="6"]Step 3: Configuring all the options in Razor[/SIZE]
Razor has LOADS of options that make it a very powerful tool to use when playing UO.
![[Image: generalb.png]](http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/2993/generalb.png)
On the lefthand side of this window you have a checklist of items you can have Razor filter out for you. If you check something like Weather you won't see rain and snow as you explore the world of IN:X. I suggest you DON'T check the Rewards Gump and Staff Only Items options.
You also have some options on the right-hand side. I like to enable Use Smart Always on Top so whenever I click on UO this Razor window automatically comes up next to it ontop of any other windows I have open. Disabling the Show Welcome Screen (affects all users) option won't show window of an above screenshot where you entered the server and port information.
![[Image: options.png]](http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/9646/options.png)
The most important setting I suggest you disable is Queue LastTarget and TargetSelf. Some other options you may want to enable are Open new corpses within __ tiles and filter repeating system messages.
More Options:
![[Image: moreoptions.png]](http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/136/moreoptions.png)
The only option you really should change is to enable the Auto-Queue Object Delay actions (comes in very handy when you start working with agents). You should then increase the Object delay to 700ms. If you work with Agents and find they often get stuck, increase it some more. You're free to experiment with the rest of the options on this page, you can see what I like playing with.
![[Image: displaycounters.png]](http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/6291/displaycounters.png)
This allows you to see how much of certain items (like reagents, bandaids, etc) you have in your backpack in the titlebar. It's a great tool because this way you don't have to search through your pack to see how much you have before you go hunting. In the part called Title Bar Display you can change what's written here to change what you see at the top of UO.
Copy this text to see the same as what I have;
Quote:{char}- {mediumstatbar} {bp} {bm} {gl} {gs} {mr} {ns} {ss} {sa} {aids}
![[Image: titlebarb.png]](http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/8174/titlebarb.png)
NOTE: If you have this all setup the same as in my screenshot of the Display/Counters tab but don't see the counters, this might be because you have Windows Vista or Windows 7 with the Aero display scheme. To disable this, right-click on your desktop and select Personalize. Select a different theme here. If you like the Aero scheme but desperately want the counters, try Windows 7 Basic (on Vista you might have Windows Vista Basic, I don't remember). This option is pretty close to Aero and you'll see the counters. You can also choose Windows Classic. It looks like Windows ME and earlier versions and also has the counters.