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[EUO] Combat skills

Having trouble finding a sparring partner to get your combats up? If yes, then this is just the thing you need. Any animal you own will work as a sparring partner as long as you won't take half of it's HP with one hit. So, grab a weapon and go show your domestic animals how much you like having them around!

; OzSparring
; %target = Your sparring partner (horse will do)
; Place a pile of bandages somewhere near you before you start.

set %target TDJD
set %debug #FALSE
set %HPtreshold 50

if ! ( G in #CHARSTATUS )
  gosub CombatMode

while ( #TRUE )
  set #LTARGETID %target
  gosub AttackLast
  if ( #ENEMYHITS < %HPtreshold && ! ( #ENEMYID = N/A ) )
    gosub HealTarget
  if ( #HITS < %HPtreshold )
    gosub HealMe
gosub StopEverything
wait 1s
gosub StopEverything
wait 1s
gosub StopEverything

sub AttackLast
  event macro 27 0
  if ( %debug )
    event sysmessage ++ Attack last

sub CombatMode
  event macro 6 0
  wait 1s

sub HealMe
  finditem ZLF G_4
  if #FINDCNT > 0
    event macro 17 0
    target 1s
    event Macro 23 0
    wait 53
  gosub AttackLast

sub HealTarget
  finditem ZLF G_4
  if #FINDCNT > 0
    set #LTARGETID %target
    event macro 17 0
    target 1s
    event Macro 22 0
    wait 53
  gosub AttackLast

sub StopEverything
  if ( G in #CHARSTATUS )
    gosub CombatMode
  if ( %debug )
    event sysmessage ++ Halting Combat
  event macro 1 0 all stay

As the macro itself says: Have a pile of bandages near you on the ground, change the %target variable to be your sparring partner (horse, rat, whatever your prefer) and run the macro while you are next to your animal. Be sure to train your veterinary, healing, animal lore and anatomy skill at least to 40 with vendor before you start so you and your pet will stay alive. This macro will not change weapon or shield if you break one (I really had some problems to get stacked daggers to play nicely with the macro) but as an added bonus you will gain veterinary and animal lore on the side.

NOTE: You need to "drag out" your sparring partners status bar and your own also. This has to be done for EUO to properly read hitpoints. Also, target your pet with something before sparring (random lore skill for example).

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