04-03-2009, 08:07 PM
O.O mistery.........
Odium Wrote:[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]from a playable view it is the best one out there, confirmed by many. And involves the most "skill" less random based (if we dont count in "lag")
And from a spectators view i have never found it more boring than to watch someone using for example posion.(wish still CAN be used on weapons for example) (this system look managable)
Odium Wrote:[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]
(if you think it looks boring and so on because everyone look the same and use the same weaps and not posion on weapons etc, i think maybe we should host more NON autosupplied tornys... fells like it could be time to start that.)
Odium Wrote:[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]
Also it is what old player know and like as this is how sphere pvp did work.
I do not want to make this topic about the pvp system tough, but im pretty sure it would damage us if we changed it.[/COLOR]
Odium Wrote:[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]if we would add another spell to "compensate" for the flamestrike spam it would have to be alittle diffrent (more damage,casttime,mana or less damage/casstime,mana) Theres no point to change one "unused" spell to work exactly like flamestrike. So this new spell would replace flamestrike or still be there unused.
Odium Wrote:[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]
As for other spells that remove stam/str/mana i do not think thats the correct way to go eather. but maybe there is another aspec that could be added that would add more skill in some how but not removing ex. flamestrike from the game.
Altough i already think there are a few spells that people should use more often (reflect scroll for example) is really nice and have killed the best pvpers by surprise lots of times
Odium Wrote:[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]
What i meant is that alot of people would get angry.
and now see it turned in to what i did not want it to be aboutand im sorry i cant explain why I personally feel like i do. Remeber what i haev said about this is my personal toughts. And might not reflect how the admins of IN-X look at it[/COLOR]
Odium Wrote:[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]
Quote:stop separating my posts into pieces
Quote:i dont care
Quote:and ye
shade Wrote:i dont see
shade Wrote:how
shade Wrote:could
shade Wrote:i
shade Wrote:find
shade Wrote:anyone
shade Wrote:in
shade Wrote:wrong
shade Wrote:
Odium Wrote:[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]stop separating my posts into pieces as i made it as one. All pices should be read togheter in order to get what i mean. qoute slicing is a bad thing evented by some kid long ago. - and it feels like u didnt even understand the pices u sliced - as for example slice two "er, adding willa ffect blabla" is exactly what i tried to say and i also wrote in that spesific slice i dont think thats an option
Odium Wrote:[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]
and this is as much information ull get of me in this topic regarding this as i dont really got more to add, and neather do you it seem this could be looped back n forth forever.[/COLOR]
Jiraiya Wrote:i
Jiraiya Wrote:certainly
Jiraiya Wrote:like
Jiraiya Wrote:making
Jiraiya Wrote:bad
Jiraiya Wrote:arguments
Odium Wrote:[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]let me start off by saying, i did answer your questions in my previous post, altough you like to repeat your questions again in a diffrent way dont mean i have to answer or reply or debate them
Odium Wrote:[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]
.. sure i could have copy pasted my previous answer.. but i didnt. and yes separate quoting is a bad habbit, qouting a comple post isnt. and no take a look at your 3 previous posts they have the same arguments about the same 'issue' and i will continue to reply i dont think its an issue personally
Odium Wrote:[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]
separeate quote slicing could be accepted IF the quoted person did state diffrent things or make diffrent arguments in the post. And this wasnt the case. I made one complete post that had one argument and one statement
Odium Wrote:[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]
Now dont take this post in the wrong way i do like you and all others here but what i dont like is arguing about a 'issue' that will lead nowhere and most or all posts will be equal and or the same, simply diffrent phrasing no more added arguments or pros cons.
And im pretty sure i stated in multiple posts i wont bother about this discussion as it wont lead anywhere.
If u want it to be brough up again (the pvp design) make a new topic or find the old one. But i will not go anywhere near it as i feel like i do. and i know how it will end.[/COLOR]