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This is how uo works. - Printable Version

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This is how uo works. - Loxx - 03-29-2007

This is whats going on right now, People are patiently waiting for this shard to be up. nothing is happening, so they figure theyll just go play somewhere else to kill time until it is, well then they start gaining skills find out they like this shard alot. and decide they had just wasted there time waiting for in-x to come up. Im not trying to be negative but i personally have been waiting somewhere around two months.

This is how uo works. - imported_Taran - 03-29-2007

Maka said he would announce something a few days ago.. I'm not sure what happened to him and I'm trying to get ahold of him.

Other than that, things are looking better for each day. We have 2 new devs that will help us out, and Coldrake is more active as well. I just need to get ahold of maka and you will get a complete update on what's going on.

This is how uo works. - Loxx - 03-29-2007

Thanks Taran, so far i believe you have been the most helpful and i speak for most players when i say this ;]

This is how uo works. - imported_Pande - 03-30-2007

im getting annoyed of people saying "i've been waiting for x not trying to sound negative" blah blah blah.

think how much work you personally put in and then shut up because it aint anywhere close to what the staff have put it.

poor you, you wait to play what will be a wicked finished project and you don't even have to do anything for it.

This is how uo works. - Loxx - 03-31-2007

lol? dude you think we dont understand this shit is getting made for free. im not bitching all im sayin is fuck dont tell us its gonna be up in two weeks [example] and then two months later were still waiting obviously we would like to play here and are trying to stay loyal but....... meh fuck it, dont be a dousche bag pande.

This is how uo works. - imported_Coldrake - 03-31-2007

I think a lot of us are a little fed up and cranky lately because of all the drama. So I would take what Pande said with a grain of salt.

We know it has taken longer then expected and we appreciate your patience. We are all anxious to start playing and enjoying the new server. We are very close to finishing the project. We have a few things left to do and then we will do our final walk through for bug testing.

We recently added several new staff members to help speed things along. Just be patient a little longer. Good things come to those who wait.

Now, it's Friday night and I have had a long week at work. I'm off to throw back a few brew dogs.

This is how uo works. - imported_Joe Black - 03-31-2007

hmmm... ill give it another month of waiting... just because i have a static waiting for me hehe

This is how uo works. - Horsedung - 04-04-2007

Shut your yap. First of all we didn't take on the responsibility of doing all the server side tasks.. I.E scripting, world building, hosting.. etc. When you became a GM that was part of your duties. So why are you bitching? Of course players are going to get disgruntled about it taking several months.. Firstly, the majority of players are probably computer illiterate they boot their computer up and click on client.exe. Don't take on a responsibility if you ARE NOT man enough to handle it. Your post just sent me in a psychotic like frenzy here.. I wanna smash your head with a keyboard.

This is how uo works. - imported_Pande - 04-04-2007

i know you didnt just talk to me like that...

This is how uo works. - imported_Magus - 04-06-2007

Waiting is hard for everyone, I'm sure GMs will get alot of gratitude when the server comes online, if it really is as good as promised, so you guys you stick with the waiting players abit longer and you will get yours Smile