A new, well experienced, developer. - maka - 03-22-2007
I'm not entirely sure how many of you guys there is that actually checks the staff page, but we have finally got a new dev. Sotho Tal Ker is the newest addition to our staff team and he will help around with all around work and you will most likely see him in game. He is very very experienced with RunUO and C# coding and he will contribute a lot to the shard development.
We are still and always looking for new developers though, there can never be enough:p
Say HI to Stalker!
A new, well experienced, developer. -
imported_n0x* - 03-22-2007
Excellent! Welcome Sotho ;], good to haave u round'
A new, well experienced, developer. -
imported_Odium - 03-22-2007
hi and welcome! =)
A new, well experienced, developer. -
imported_Boromir - 03-22-2007
Is that Stalker from old tus?
Anyway, WELCOME!
A new, well experienced, developer. -
imported_Adovock - 03-23-2007
Hi new GM dude I am glad that we have another person that wil help the GMs make the shard, and F.Y.I., I am that one guy that is in every shard tha tjust lives to annoy people, and I would have written a huge written thingy right now, but my right wrist hurts and I have just writtent this thing and this website hates me so I have to write this whole dumb this over, and because my wrist hurts I am going to go to bed right now, so bye bye new guy.
I rhymed
A new, well experienced, developer. -
imported_Sotho Tal Ker - 03-23-2007
Hi there.
A new, well experienced, developer. -
imported_Pande - 03-24-2007
welcome aboard
A new, well experienced, developer. -
imported_Fallzone - 03-24-2007
Welcome to the shard!
A new, well experienced, developer. -
imported_Rackull - 03-25-2007
A good addition and also good news
A new, well experienced, developer. -
imported_Fable - 03-27-2007
Welcome :d Hope U Will Enjoy Ur Stay Here And I Appreciate Ur Help
A new, well experienced, developer. -
imported_Coldrake - 03-29-2007
We have another excellent developer that has recently joined the INX team. We are very excited to have him as a member of this project and his experience with RunUO and C# should prove to be very valuable. Here is a little introduction that he (The Tome) wrote about himself in another thread...
The Tome Wrote:Hello,
Let me introduce myself. My name is Jacob. I played the old old Imagine Nation back in around 2003ish.
I'm a MCAD (microsoft certified application development) certified C# programmer. I have extensive experience with the RunUO core and developing advanced secure sytems for RunUO ranging from donation systems with site/shard integration to PvP tournament systems, capture the flag, pretty much anything you can thing of or imagine up on RunUO.
I've had my eye on the development of In-X for a while as I enjoy playing the game, and have been unaware of the shortage of development staff. I've been watching the forums for a while, with plans to create an account once the shard went live.
I may be of some assistance. Perhaps you can provide me with further details?
The Tome
Please join me in welcoming The Tome to INX.
A new, well experienced, developer. -
imported_Rackull - 03-29-2007
Coldrake Wrote:Please join me in welcoming The Tome to INX.
Hello Tome, welcome, and Coldrake, dont be so upset about all the IN-X/IN-F situation, try to enjoy more time with your little one, time is best spent that way, afterall we already know what is going to happen to fakes