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Ressurection Benefits - Printable Version

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Ressurection Benefits - Razukar Dalgion - 02-15-2007

One thing that I would like to see that was super handy was being able to cut up ressurection robes and get a few bandies from them like IN1...So if your in a dungeon and you die and you get resurrected, you may use your newbied scissors to cut up the res robe and bandie heal thus having a better chance of getting your items off the corpse. IN'ers know what i'm talking about.

Ressurection Benefits - imported_Odium - 02-15-2007

xuo players also know what your talking about =)

and its already implented on IN:X

Ressurection Benefits - Razukar Dalgion - 02-15-2007

Ah, well splendid then. This thread needs to be locked.

Ressurection Benefits - maka - 02-15-2007

It's not FULLY working. The robes doesn't get destroyed yet, but I'll add that soon.