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Fishing - Lamby - 09-24-2011

I have a suggestion.
With the combination of the lake monster and the now craftable chests, fishing has lost a lot of its appeal. As someone who enjoys fishing and has put in many hours to raise it (96.0 as of this writing) I think it would be great to have some creative attention shown to it. It would be great to hear some suggestions by others who are interested too, but for my part I came up with the following ideas:

1)Allow high lvl treasure maps to be found not just plain and cleverly drawn ones.
2)Rare colored "big fish" that retain the rare color when taxidermy is used to mount.
3)Rare colored chests.
4)Rare drop: Cannon.
5)Allow cannons to be functional so when placed on the deck of your ship it can be fired at a monster or at another ship causing area damage like the spell explosion.

I think that if any or all of these suggestions are added we would see a lot more action out on the water! Smile

Fishing - Maktor D. - 09-24-2011

Soh could make them spawn every few days. j'I think that they should not be removed, because after getting a net from the lake monster the first time, it did inspire me to start fishing and now it's become a favorite thing to do online! More idea's to come..

Fishing - Habibi Jones - 09-24-2011

Fishing is fine how it is IMO. If you could pull up rare colored things, thatd be cool though. It'd also be very cool if you could fish up level 4 and 5 maps Tongue

Fishing - Eru - 09-26-2011

I admit the cannons that can be placed in your boat like an addon intrigues me. I'm curious about how well it would work with boats or if the cannons would end up breaking apart and falling off the boats. Tongue

We already have firable cannons that do some AoE damage. It might be fun to be able to use cannon-balls and sulfurous ash to fire cannons into groups of sea serpents.

Fishing - kyleus3 - 09-27-2011

where can you get these cannons that does aoe dmg? and is it like a weapon that goes into your backpack?

Fishing - Eru - 09-28-2011

kyleus3 Wrote:where can you get these cannons that does aoe dmg? and is it like a weapon that goes into your backpack?
Can't get them. You can see some working ones in East Britain in front of the Tortuga(?) Bar. (The one with the giant ship's sail.) There are purchasable cannonballs and I think it takes sulfurous ash also. The damage is very minimal, but it could add up if you have 20+ provoked sea serpents in an area like I used to. Tongue