Good to see interest in UO is sharply going up. -
Ermac - 03-06-2014
Just a comment,
Been noticing interest in UO going up drastically. Anyone else seen the trend? JoinUO has a new website thats a lot cleaner than the old one, and a lot of the shards are overflowing, especially the newer shards. This could be many factors, one being fans of Ultima tend to always be fans, cold weather the other, perhaps Shroud of the Avatar, or better marketing. But its nice to see a lot of life left in the UO community.
Good to see interest in UO is sharply going up. -
Elcid - 03-11-2014
Ill be giving SotA a try for sure... its practically UO2.
Good to see interest in UO is sharply going up. -
Vulcan - 03-29-2014
I'm curious to give SotA a try as well.
Good to see interest in UO is sharply going up. -
Eru - 04-02-2014
I've been tempted to try it, but the graphics are kindof a turnoff for me at this point. And I'm hoping that the crafting process gets an overhaul since it looks like you have to craft each individual item by dragging stuff around in a really picky interface which would just be tedious.
I've been playin' the heck out of FFXIV though on the Balmung server.
Good to see interest in UO is sharply going up. -
Tagg - 04-17-2014
There's also this:
Think the idea has legs? No game has ever come remotely close to the fun I had with IN1.
Good to see interest in UO is sharply going up. -
Ermac - 04-18-2014
Very interesting... First I've heard of Shards. To me it seems highly geared towards people who want to dev their own servers, likely with built in tools for full scale world building. Im sure RunUO developers will take some interest in this. It seems to new to tell what its going to be about or how excited we should be about it. Shroud of the Avatar is most def a game I will give a shot at, even though UO is always going to be number one in my mind no matter what is released. And would have to agree with you Tagg, I still have many fond memories of fun times with friends on the original Imagine Nation.
Good to see interest in UO is sharply going up. -
Eru - 04-19-2014
Tagg Wrote:There's also this:
Think the idea has legs? No game has ever come remotely close to the fun I had with IN1.
Those ****ers. This sounds exactly what I've been talking to a friend about making in Unity.
edit2: and their earliest content is ~2 weeks after we started discussing it via skype/forums. Probably just coincidence, but what a hell of a coincidence.
Good to see interest in UO is sharply going up. -
Avatar_ - 04-19-2014
Great to know this,
Eru, maybe "ideas" are not what you think they are, do you also protect copyrights? Once an idea get's mentally projected, it's universally broadcasted and some "open" receptors vibrating @ close levels can recieve/decrypt it, this meaning ideas spread @ the speed of tought to make sure everyone's rdy to connect with it and make it
better one day, coincidence...?
It's good, let's hope they make it open-source so we can make use of the "time" well invested by those developers.
Good to see interest in UO is sharply going up. -
JBURNS - 05-07-2014
Ermac Wrote:Just a comment,
Been noticing interest in UO going up drastically. Anyone else seen the trend? JoinUO has a new website thats a lot cleaner than the old one, and a lot of the shards are overflowing, especially the newer shards. This could be many factors, one being fans of Ultima tend to always be fans, cold weather the other, perhaps Shroud of the Avatar, or better marketing. But its nice to see a lot of life left in the UO community.
Highly reccomend server called UO Secondage. It is era accurate to the old school insta hit pvp, no trammel, non consensual pk, unlimited pets, chaos/order guilds etc..been running since 2007 very little lag 150-200 ppl now used to be over 1k. just check it out!!
Good to see interest in UO is sharply going up. -
Vulcan - 05-23-2014
I'm giving second age a try. Will see how it goes.
Good to see interest in UO is sharply going up. -
Lerrbear - 05-31-2014
SoTA has no open pvp and a level system so I seriously doubt i'll play it, MASSIVE dissappointment. almost on par with ESO -_-
we were internet cowboys in the digital desert, but now the desert is is a metropolis full of casino's porn shops social media and netflix, surrounded by a sea of carebears. our time is over!
Good to see interest in UO is sharply going up. -
Redorb - 05-31-2014
Our days are over indeed. I cant find any good MMO's to play.. I buy all the new ones that are hyped up and then stop after a week.. Bloody waste of money.. Really hoping ArcheAge is good....