Reg Books -
Living Death - 03-28-2012
Im new here, but been playing UO for wayyy to long. Reg books would be nice to see here, Store all regs and potions in a book thats pretty much the same as a rune book. Also when you cast a spell make it not turn towards who or what your casting at. Will reduce pull back lag alot and improve game play.
Fun shard otherwise.
Reg Books -
Vulcan - 03-28-2012
Runebooks here are not newbied, so I'm not sure what you gain from a reg book that you don't get from putting your regs inside a bag. Most of the time regs are what people want to loot the most when someone dies, I can't see them ever being newbied.
Potions stack here so again I don't see a need for a reg book.
I like the idea and thank you for the suggestion as far as turning toward the object of a spellcast, but I think it's important in group fighting to know that 3 people are FSing you as opposed to your partner. If they don't turn when FSing, there's no way to know.