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Hotkeys in Razor or UO? - Printable Version

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Hotkeys in Razor or UO? - tranith - 03-25-2012

Trying to figure out how to set up a hotkey..
So I can use the Flame Strike. or Lightening scrolls?

I got hotkeys set up for bandage self, dis arm left n right hands, and use last skill...

but I can find in the Alt. O uo options for a USELASTSCROLL or use a scroll.
.even in Razor.. can't find a use scroll, maybe i missed it?

Also i CANT find use mana potions.. i can find potions in razor, but no full mana pots... or greater mana pots..

am i missing something or am i just retarded lol

Hotkeys in Razor or UO? - Eru - 03-25-2012

Some things may not be included in Razor hotkeys, so what you have to do is make a macro that just uses that item, then assign a hotkey to that macro under the hotkeys tab. Tongue

Hotkeys in Razor or UO? - Raziel_ - 03-25-2012

record a macro then use that macro on a hotkey.. that way you can use potions and scrolls the way you want!
but if you are looking for the pvp i would suggest trying and learning about injection! it rules more than razor for pvp!