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Connection Issue - Printable Version

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Connection Issue - Raziel_ - 03-23-2012

I was playing and my game froze.. i reloged and after a few steps, froze again!
I couldnt connect anymore... it locked on the connecting screen..
I rebooted my pc and i could login again, but i walked a little and same issue as above!
I tried using razor and injection, none work =/
Anyone knows whats the problem?

It seems it wasnt the reboot of my pc that made me login again, but the disconnection of my char from the server since when it froze it wasnt in my house...
I just relogged without rebooting the pc, after my char disconnected from the server!

Connection Issue - Taran - 03-23-2012

Have you been macroing? This could be caused by having lots of items in a small area. Try creating a new char and see if you can login with that. In that case page to get your main char moved.

Connection Issue - DOGIS - 03-23-2012

the same problem was yesterday , problem was just on main charter....(i didn't macro...just recalled to guild house , after few steps it's crashed , then again few more times , and in the end ,it's just cann't connect to server with main charter , in morning was everything all right , and now i'm playing normally) dunno why it's happened....but last (week) appear much more crashes then before...don't remember when was the last one night with out connection lost...(of course it can be my provider...)...

Connection Issue - Raziel_ - 03-23-2012

Taran it wasnt because of that... i wasnt macroind and it happened on two different places, once at INC's shop and the second time was around my house, there are no items on the floor like stacking stuff.. and i didnt get any of this after the second connection.. i also tried to log in a different char and had the same problem.. but now it seems to be ok.. really strange =x

Connection Issue - Mael - 03-23-2012

this seems to be happening to quite a few people

Connection Issue - Brandon - 03-23-2012

Sometimes I'll walk through the Britain portal, walk a few steps, and then crash. The same thing happens when I go through the tunnel in Mt Kendall. I also crash sometimes when I recall into Britain. I'll hear the recall sound repeat itself a couple of times and then the client will crash.

Connection Issue - Taran - 03-24-2012

What client versions are you running? I changed some mul files a while ago that hasn't been updated server side yet since server hasn't been restarted. Hopefully it will get better once the server is restarted on Sunday.

Connection Issue - Brandon - 03-24-2012