Easier to read Journal? Solution in here -
Eluzia - 03-14-2012
Hi everyone,
I want to share a little tweak I have made due to frustration I think many of you also have had or still have, the journal and text colours... so many times you can't read what people are saying or see a certain type of colours that you want to speak in ingame.
I basically went in and changed the background of the journal to be very simple, but very effective.
Now I know it's not particularly pretty, but it works wonders. I may or may not update the rest of the graphics at some point, we will see.
Anyway feel free to download the new journal here:
Installation guide:
1. close UO if running
2. download the journal .zip
3. extract the .zip file into a folder/location of your choice
4. backup "Gumpart.mul" and "Gumpidx.mul" found inside your UO directory
5. copy and overwrite "Gumpart.mul" and "Gumpidx.mul" from the folder where you extracted the zip file, into your UO folder
6. restart UO and enjoy the new easier to read journal
If you don't like it, I really don't care and you don't have to spam the forum with your opinion, just don't use it.
If you do like it and have problem installing it, feel free to PM me or post in this thread and I shall assist you.
That's all for now
/ Eluzia
Easier to read Journal? Solution in here -
Falliane - 03-14-2012
very handy, well done
Easier to read Journal? Solution in here -
Dracolith - 03-15-2012
Wow, such a simple change resulting in awesomeness. Great job! I wish i had this since I started UO.
Easier to read Journal? Solution in here -
Eru - 03-15-2012
Interesting. I'll look into doing this to the actual gumpart file to get the darn thing readable.
Hopefully I can get the rest of it to look good/be visible too.
Easier to read Journal? Solution in here -
Eru - 03-15-2012
OK, I mucked around with it and this is what I came up with. You can download these to test them out at
It may mess with other gumps though. Like I noticed that the skill gump has the white arrow keys which I can hopefully edit to look good on both gumps. Let me know if you see any other bugs.
Easier to read Journal? Solution in here -
Azzo - 03-15-2012
Maybe a red for the arrows?
Easier to read Journal? Solution in here -
Eru - 03-15-2012
I tried just desaturating them and inversing the colors back to get a nice black.
Easier to read Journal? Solution in here -
Eluzia - 03-15-2012
Eru make the background even darker, dark grey is hard thread on that one, but otherwise, what I started out with too :p I found that up reads pure black as transperent (0-0-0) also (1-1-1) and (5-5-5) is seen as transperent. I think if you the colour 10-10-10 I counts as a solid.
Easier to read Journal? Solution in here -
Eru - 03-15-2012
How's this look? Didn't update the zip file yet since it may be too dark:
Easier to read Journal? Solution in here -
Eluzia - 03-15-2012
That looks better, I know visually you have to sacrifice a bit, but if its not super dark then the whole idea falls short. So looking better for sure! I would still want it a lot darker though, if you compare the text background to my image above, it becomes even easier to read the more black it is. But this would probably do it for most people, and still keep some graphic to it.
upload it and ill test it too after work.
Easier to read Journal? Solution in here -
Be|gar - 03-15-2012
i like it. implement asap plzthx
Easier to read Journal? Solution in here -
Ayleth Payne - 03-19-2012
Eru Wrote:Let me know if you see any other bugs.
On the character Profile scroll, the text is black so it's near impossible to read... Haven't really seen many actually use it yet, but sure some might (I know I do) but I can barely read it now.