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Guild name on forums - Printable Version

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Guild name on forums - Elia - 03-09-2012

What about placing the Guild name under the name in the member info box?

That would be just nice and comfortable.

Guild name on forums - BenSa - 03-09-2012


Guild name on forums - Ilithyia - 03-09-2012

Good idea! Wink +1

Guild name on forums - Echo - 03-09-2012

Not a bad idea. It may be possible to modify the forum profile to allow you to enter a Guild name that we would then display next to your name on your posts.

Guild name on forums - Elia - 03-09-2012

Echo Wrote:Not a bad idea. It may be possible to modify the forum profile to allow you to enter a Guild name that we would then display next to your name on your posts.

Yeah, that's it.

Guild name on forums - Eru - 03-10-2012

Easy to do I think. Working on it now between bouts of work.

Guild name on forums - Eru - 03-10-2012

Figured it out, I think.

For reference, added this to legacy_postbit:
Quote: <vb:if condition="$post['field5']"><dt>Guild</dt><dd>{vb:raw post.field5}</dd></vb:if>

Guild name on forums - Elia - 03-10-2012

Eru Wrote:<vb:if condition="$post['field5']"><dt>Guild</dt><dd>{vb:raw post.field5}</dd></vb:if>

Nice one! Thank you!
You may close this thread, I think.

Guild name on forums - Taran - 03-10-2012

Eru I plan on upgrading forums soon so create a backup of your changes, hehe.

Guild name on forums - Eru - 03-11-2012

Or I can just go in and make more changes. Most of the changes I've made are to the settings and to the .htaccess file. Are you doing an upgrade or a complete reinstall?

Guild name on forums - Taran - 03-11-2012

Just an upgrade.

Guild name on forums - Eru - 03-12-2012

K, Dunno if it'll affect the theme files. Just go for it and I can add that crap back later. It was pretty easy once I knew what I was looking for. The hardest part was realizing that I should be editing legacy_postbit instead of postbit. ;p