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GGS (Guaranteed Gain System) implementation - Printable Version

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GGS (Guaranteed Gain System) implementation - Kennedy - 02-29-2012

Not sure if any of you are familiar with GGS, but pretty much how it works is like this:

Every 24 hours, you are guaranteed one gain. This gain will happen even if you log on to your character only once every 24 hours, do the skill once and log off that char. The gain is still only .1

So in theory, if you really wanted GM blacksmith with minimal usage of mats, and started at 40 skill, it would take 600 days to get you to GM...logging in on that toon once every 24 hrs and getting your gain.
That's close to two years, so doing it that way takes A LONG case you would argue 'free' skill.

Please keep in mind, that its only 0.1 gain every 24 hours. So you're still talking quite a bit of time to get the skills GM...

As always, just a thought

GGS (Guaranteed Gain System) implementation - sm0ke - 02-29-2012

I'm for it it's free skill gains lol

GGS (Guaranteed Gain System) implementation - Kennedy - 02-29-2012

Haha, glad we can agree on something.....just a bit of cushion for the harder shit like BS, tink, alch,carp, scribe, TAMING.

So hit me up for suits in like 2 years guys....

GGS (Guaranteed Gain System) implementation - Nasir - 02-29-2012

Seems like a lot of effort for very little reward ;\

GGS (Guaranteed Gain System) implementation - Shadow_Nirvana - 02-29-2012

yeah i really don't see the need for this.

GGS (Guaranteed Gain System) implementation - Brandon - 03-01-2012

Nasir Wrote:Seems like a lot of effort for very little reward ;\

Shadow_Nirvana Wrote:yeah i really don't see the need for this.


GGS (Guaranteed Gain System) implementation - Scare crow - 03-01-2012

I like it .. I'll take any free skillsgain I can get lol..

GGS (Guaranteed Gain System) implementation - Fulmanar - 03-01-2012

The skillgain is too minimal to approach anything near effective or noticeable, if we could somehow work out a skill gain threshold where you met certain conditions and your skillgain was increased by a nominal amount for x amount of time that might be more appropriate.

GGS (Guaranteed Gain System) implementation - Carding - 03-03-2012

EVE inspired?