Linux & Uo -
soMa - 02-27-2012
I am currently fixing my computer as my other one blew up !
Since my other system is linux and refuse to use windows or mac (evil) Im currently figureing this out and am almost complete *crosses fingers in hopes it works*
I will Replace this with a guide on how to get it to work on linux which is pretty basic useing whine. (or ill just type out all the problems I go through and fixes I find)
If anyone has any questions about how to get it going do not hesitate to ask and do so here or pm me.
Start here for wine -
Do not run wine as root
Linux & Uo -
Lamby - 02-27-2012
When i first joined here i was using wine on linux for a while but it gave me trouble with razor and eventually I just installed windows which gives no trouble at all. i like linux too but imo why run a windows emulator to play a game when u can just use the real thing? Then again, if you can get razor to work properly with wine then more power to you
Linux & Uo -
Eru - 02-28-2012
Ahaha! Good luck. Feel free to vent and rage about how F***ing winetricks refuses to install the appropriate .NET packages. You can get the client running easy. Same with the patcher. Problem is the last time I tried it, Winetricks could NOT install .NET 3.5 or higher. That may have changed though. What I finally ended up doing is downloading
VMWare and throwing TinyXP on that. Very low CPU/RAM usage and it's enough to run UO just fine. The screen size sucks though unless you constantly fiddle with it.
Linux & Uo -
soMa - 02-28-2012
Im all over the place now, Injection errors are fixed and it was not running with no errors which i found od but the client wouldn't log in it would crash. Which I asume is because I don't have the .netframework which framework do I need ?
Im going to try and install 3.5 which that link says it will work with using winetricks.
now im figureing out how to use winetricks.
Linux & Uo -
soMa - 02-28-2012
Installation by using 'winetricks' script
Winetricks will take care of all needed installation prerequisites and work around some problems.*
$ wget
*$ bash winetricks dotnet35*
For a fully silent install (no gui) use following command:
$ bash winetricks -q dotnet35*
This is currently where i am at, the website explains it.
*Taps foot this takes forever*
Once it is installed it suggests to install service pack 1 with it not sure if I will
So it failed to run .net w/e optimization interface so im not to sure why that is and will be installing service pack 1 .netframework 3.5
Error ocured while trying to install service pack 1 retrying again. (would not give me details as to why stupid windows)
After several failed try's Im assuming it's because I installed the framework3.5 before installing the framework 3.5 + SP1.
Now im trying to figure out how to delete it and start from scratch.
Linux & Uo -
Lamby - 02-28-2012
Render unto Windows that which belongs to Windows...
Linux & Uo -
Eru - 02-28-2012
It's nice to see someone going through the same struggle I did.
Linux & Uo -
soMa - 02-29-2012
typed out a really long nasty paragraph about windows and then stoped cuz it sounded to hurtful towards the people who just want to hit the on button and go on facebook.
![Big Grin Big Grin](
(windows & Mac are for the user's who want to waste money on products and new OS updates) as a last resort i will dl windows and crack it then cry my self to sleep.
Linux & Uo -
Eru - 02-29-2012
soMa Wrote:implying that people still pay for Windows
Linux & Uo -
soMa - 03-01-2012
They do
Linux & Uo -
Scarlett - 03-02-2012
You can play UO through wine, you just can't change any of razor's settings, nor have other profiles or it will crash often.