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Shoot on the run with archery - Printable Version

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Shoot on the run with archery - Kander - 02-23-2012

Im almost sure you can swing a wep on the run right? So why not shoot arrows.

Shoot on the run with archery - sm0ke - 02-23-2012

Bows shoot faster than any weapon(besides kyrss,warforks and some swords) and deal good damage, would effect any PvP on any shard drastically imo considering everyone would use a bow.

Shoot on the run with archery - Eru - 02-23-2012

sm0ke Wrote:Bows shoot faster than any weapon(besides kyrss,warforks and some swords) and deal good damage, would effect any PvP on any shard drastically imo considering everyone would use a bow.
This. Plus, it doesn't really take which direction you're facing into account. You could attack someone, then keep hitting them while running from them non-stop.

Shoot on the run with archery - Brandon - 02-23-2012

sm0ke Wrote:Bows shoot faster than any weapon(besides kyrss,warforks and some swords) and deal good damage, would effect any PvP on any shard drastically imo considering everyone would use a bow.



Have you ever tried to ride a real horse while trying to shoot a bow? I don't think even the most skilled archers could steer a horse and shoot a bow at the same time effectively.

I know you're probably thinking you've never transformed into a chicken. I'm going to ignore that point.

Shoot on the run with archery - Kander - 02-23-2012

Dreams are crushed now. *Goes back to sailing his ship*

Shoot on the run with archery - Atlas - 02-24-2012

Well why not, when running, have bows shoot at HALF the speed, and ONLY shoot in the 3 directions you're facing.

Example: If you're running North, it will only shoot North West, North, and North East at half the weapon speed.
If you face South, the timer would be reset for those 3 directions. However, if you run NE, only the weapon "swing" timer would be reset for NW (since it's the only one out of 'range')

This would be cool =]

Shoot on the run with archery - sm0ke - 02-24-2012

Would it be worth scripting all that for and having bows shoot slower :p? If you think about it you'll end up shooting faster and doing more damage standing then moving in the long run.

Shoot on the run with archery - Raziel_ - 02-24-2012

sm0ke Wrote:Would it be worth scripting all that for and having bows shoot slower :p? If you think about it you'll end up shooting faster and doing more damage standing then moving in the long run.
Unless he's running after someone trying to escape his vicious attacks... I dont like the sound of it =x

Shoot on the run with archery - Atlas - 02-24-2012

Personally not saying it should or shouldnt be implemented, but it is a cool idea =p