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Hypocrisy At It's Finest - Printable Version

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Hypocrisy At It's Finest - LudaKrishna - 02-17-2012

Shard is shit, people are dumb here and to be honest I was against coming here in the first place since the PvP is retarded.

IN players suck dick, the shard is so care-bare you got people who will quit over loosing items so what do you do? You have to make a no guild house looting rule and make the guy give back what he took LMFAO. Not allowed excessive swearing? It's a f ucking game for f ucks sake be real. You got what 5 red players? I'm leaving before I start since it's a waste of time (3+ days to just macro combats WITH pc on 24/7 on a double xp weekend?) and I don't feel like talking to retarded IN people.

Funniest part about this whole thing is you claim I'll make players leave because I kill new players, but you got your kind doing that exact thing (and hey it wasn't only me, I've seen it happen to other people since I've joined).

Being the bad guy is fun but when your playing with retards like the people here it's not. It's like fighting against a 2 year old.

Sure you got a nice peak right now (paying gold for votes lol) but I predict this lasts 5-6 months top. You got more than half the shard macroing skills and people say skillgain isn't a problem. Ok sure so you tell me to pick all pvp skills for a pvp char but then I can't survive since you basically can't get supplies. Logic is flawed.

Scare pretending to be nice to stab u noobs in the back and sm0ke gunna kill u all since he's basically the best, he'll probably get banned by Taran eventually since he hates him for some email prank pulled on IN-X. Frankly i'm surprised at the intelligence level of this place.

And finally what's even more surprising is the code base, I wonder where it came from...oh right there will probably be some bullshit story about IN owning it lol.

All you RP/IN fa ggots can go to hell and suck my balls.

...and now you can ban me. Necro out.

Hypocrisy At It's Finest - Azzo - 02-17-2012

All I hear is crying that things aren't the way you want them.

Hypocrisy At It's Finest - Nasir - 02-17-2012

I give this thread 5 stars.

Hypocrisy At It's Finest - Be|gar - 02-17-2012

lmao i was waiting for the first rage thread

Hypocrisy At It's Finest - The Real Bost - 02-17-2012

This is the best thing.

Hypocrisy At It's Finest - stonychavez - 02-17-2012

dont ban him

Hypocrisy At It's Finest - Kander - 02-17-2012

TL;DR I see much rage in this one.

Hypocrisy At It's Finest - Boomrak Brewforge - 02-17-2012

good riddance really, your a loser Luda Krishna and we don't want your kind here. All you have done is *****ed and whined for about 3 days now since you didn't get your way and complain that your not immediately good. Im pretty glad to see ya go to be honest

Hypocrisy At It's Finest - Brandon - 02-17-2012

Boomrak Brewforge Wrote:good riddance really, your a loser Luda Krishna and we don't want your kind here. All you have done is *****ed and whined for about 3 days now since you didn't get your way and complain that your not immediately good. Im pretty glad to see ya go to be honest

[Image: WzR1q.gif]

Hypocrisy At It's Finest - Paulie - 02-17-2012

Your a funny guy Luda. Noone has complained except you guys. You dont like the pvp cause its not XUO style to bad its not XUO. You say smoke will own everyone? doubtful....... I had respect for you guys before but obviously that sh it went out the window. I love how you act like your still 12. You guys have flamed and bit ched because you dont like something there is a better way of doing that its called discussing the sitution not " fu ck this this sh it sucks so lame you guys are care bear blah blah blah". Grow the fu ck up. You know eventually your gonna have to move out of your parents basement and grow up why not start by being more mature? And in all honesty I was happy to see you guys back but now I could careless if you stay or go regardless you guys will be marked for death by 99% of the shard since you talk out your asses.

Hypocrisy At It's Finest - Mystic Edge - 02-17-2012

here's what pretty much triggered him quitting

[Image: ragequitl.png]

All because Habibi killed him, Should of kept your young status tag on :/

Hypocrisy At It's Finest - sm0ke - 02-17-2012

I don't understand why you associate us with this yet again Luda made the post myself and ScareCrow haven't done anything. I'm quite tired of hearing the same thing over and over "you guys" quite frankly I don't care what you're opinions are about us were here to play you're just getting your +1's now. I gotta say it feels pretty welcoming to new players when you treat them this way, keep it up.

Btw Paulie the whole shard wanting to kill us isn't anything new in our field of expertise.