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Character Deletion - Printable Version

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Character Deletion - Azzo - 02-07-2012


I've paged a gm in-game but I'm not sure if this is something a GM can handle from in-game and I don't see a better forum than this for the topic so I figured I'd ask here.

I just started an account and wanted to see how the initial skill system worked before working out what skills to pick, so I made a test character (Bock) to do that, and I've now created my main character (Azzo) with the skills that I want.

Unfortunately, Bock counts towards my Young status 800 skill cap and I'd like to delete him but it won't let me for 7 days.

Is there any chance an admin could delete the character Bock for me? If you need account details or to see me in-game to confirm I am him, I can arrange that. If you can't, then I'll just suck it up.

Thanks in advance.

Character Deletion - Eru - 02-07-2012

If there's a skill cap on Young players, we need to fix that. It shouldn't be there.

I can't delete it manually though, or at least I don't know a way to. Maybe Taran can.

Also, Taran, is there no AllowDelete property on players anymore? Or was it called something else?

Character Deletion - Azzo - 02-07-2012

Sorry, my explanation wasn't clear. There is no skill cap on young players (That I'm aware of). The website says when your account reaches a combined skill total of 800, you lose Young status. I'm going to reach that soon after training fencing/parrying with the 2 characters having both got their initial 4 skills, I was just hoping I could delete the test character and have only the 1 character counting to my account total.

If I can't, then such is life.

EDIT: Sorry, I just double checked, it's 1000. So it's probably not actually a huge deal. If it's a big hassle to delete a character on your end then you can ignore this. Sorry for the trouble heh.

Character Deletion - Taran - 02-07-2012

I can remove the char for you if you page with your accountname and what char you want deleted.
Eru, the AllowDelete prop is gone since all players are allowed to delete their own chars now. And to delete chars you just do .deletecharacter and target a logged out player.