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Hello - Mael - 02-07-2012

i was coming to check but it look as tho this shard is running again?? i swear the last time i checked on it was being closed....but if it is im am interested in playing again...not sure if anyone remember me i was Alladon daemon/Mael vampire. Thinking I played on in1..was just seeing whos still playing and how everyone has been over the years...

Hello - Taran - 02-07-2012

Hello and welcome back! I remember you Smile
There are quite a few oldies playing actually. You should login and check it out, you will definitely get the IN feeling back Wink

Hello - Eru - 02-07-2012

Welcome back! Don't just browse the forums though. You should download the client. You don't have to install it, just download it in case you feel like it. What's that? You have it downloaded so you might as well install it? Can't argue with that. Now that you're fully patched and have it installed, it would be a shame not to at least just log in and see who's online. And while you're checking the names, maybe just kill one or two monsters for nostalgia. You know, to get some money for a horse recall reagents to go see some of your favorite spots. ... (ad infinitum)

Hello - Makaveli - 02-07-2012

welcome back!

Hello - Atlas - 02-08-2012

Lol Eru