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Vendor info / Buying Topic - Printable Version

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Vendor info / Buying Topic - soMa - 01-24-2012

Buying - Im looking to buy All the iron and lumber anyone can dig up, 10gp each...

Vendors - If you own a vendor and do not have the items to restock it after a week remove the empty bag it is annoying to look through all the bags day after day, those days turn into weeks and then I no longer shop there.
Making it look like you have lots of stuff (empty bags as if it was bought) does not make your vendor a place players want shop, waste of time and Space.
[Example the iron ingot bags on like 5 different vendors that have never been filled since the vendors were placed.]

Vendor info / Buying Topic - Adeleigh - 01-27-2012

I think their should be a expiry on vendors that aren't fed or paid,
and yes the organization of some of the vendors it applaling,
some have 16 bags of nothing..

Vendor info / Buying Topic - soMa - 01-28-2012

There is an expiry if they make no money or if players take all the money off and never sell anything again the vendor will collapse and all its contents go into the persons bank... (Now id like to know what happends if the bank is full and the vendor collapses but this is for a different topic)

I have posted my ideas on how a good vendor is run with tips and tricks in hopes to help players make money with the new vendor areas up now. Please check the new player guide in the guides section it has lots of info...