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Miles the Vendor - Printable Version

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Miles the Vendor - Habibi Jones - 01-14-2012

Created a vendor in the buymore mall, his name is Miles!

I've only had a chance to put on some power and vanq weapons so far, but they are priced at unheard of prices...

power weapons as low as 500gp
vanqs starting at 5k
a +25 vanq axe for 10k?!

Will be adding more, thanks for looking Tongue

edit: MiB 7.5k per

Miles the Vendor - Habibi Jones - 01-15-2012


Miles the Vendor - Habibi Jones - 01-16-2012

Added 30 nets (500gp), adding more stuff later

Miles the Vendor - Habibi Jones - 01-16-2012

Added more power/vanq weapons. Guarenteed lowest prices you'll find anywhere by far...

Power weapons 499-2999
Vanquishing weapons 4999-9999
SOS Bottles 7500
Special Fishing Nets 500

You can't beat it.