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any pvp tips for a new IN pvper? - Printable Version

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any pvp tips for a new IN pvper? - Genocide - 11-25-2011

title says it all hehe

any pvp tips for a new IN pvper?

any pvp tips for a new IN pvper? - Christina Thorn - 11-25-2011

You should ask habibi Jones

any pvp tips for a new IN pvper? - Habibi Jones - 11-25-2011

you "need" 4 types of scrolls heal reflect lightning fs. you will also "need" gh pots and mana pots. poisoning is your friend. gh scrolls cost a lot of mana, use sparingly. carry 2 weapons, 1 hander and 2 hander; make macro for both. remake your bandie macro to use your guild shield after bandaging. try your best to stay on offense with your weapon. paralyze frequently if need be to stay on offense with your weapon. CONSERVE YOUR MANA, do not waste it and sometimes it is even wise to fizzle a miscast to save half the spell's mana. weaken and curse help out a lot. as for healing you should use bandages when you can but don't rely on them. it takes a lot of practice to become a pro bandager, so don't take too many chances Tongue if you are being fs dumped in a duel just stay calm, cast a gh scroll if you need, then a regular gh, and possibly another gh scroll if you need, then just bandage.


any pvp tips for a new IN pvper? - Habibi Jones - 11-25-2011

best advice i can give is to find somebody who is close to your skill level and practice with them. this is the best way to learn Tongue take people's advice but the most important part is using it.

any pvp tips for a new IN pvper? - Genocide - 11-25-2011

anyone wanna sparr with me? xD
thanks by the way uve been helpfull

any pvp tips for a new IN pvper? - Redorb - 11-26-2011

Stab them with the pointy end.

any pvp tips for a new IN pvper? - Emerald - 11-26-2011

Redorb Wrote:Stab them with the pointy end.

[COLOR="green"]The pointy end of what??


any pvp tips for a new IN pvper? - Eru - 11-27-2011

Game of Thrones reference. :3

any pvp tips for a new IN pvper? - kyleus3 - 12-04-2011

genocide i could use some practice.

hab. could you send me your macros please?

any pvp tips for a new IN pvper? - Paulie - 12-04-2011

best pvp tip ever............DONT DIE!

any pvp tips for a new IN pvper? - Galdor - 12-04-2011

Find someone to practice and go to PvP area which place out of brit bridge. Use 1k area. It gives you auto supply (armor wep and suff). Learn by die ing...

any pvp tips for a new IN pvper? - XoD174 - 12-18-2011

Guys, i really looking for teacher for PVP. Can someone help me?