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Craftables - soMa - 11-20-2011

I remember there being more craft-able tables for example the small cloth table out side Mt Kendall where the bank is on the little dock.
Any chance of those being integrated into the menu's so that there are more things to craft that over lap skills example more tailoring + carpentry = these tables with cloth on them ?
I know there are many more craft-able furniture that is not in the menus that I remember there used to be in basic uo or the second age uo.

Craftables - QiQi - 11-20-2011

And sarcophagus for masonry

Craftables - Mystic Edge - 11-22-2011

yeah there were many tables to craft on IN1. One in particular is there was one table that you could craft that would change graphic every time you picked it up and place it back down. That single piece had all the graphics(small tables, large tables, bars) and made people able to make tables as long or as wide as they wanted. I like the deed tables and all but your limited to only using that length of table. IN1 had item tables you could craft that were the "center graphic" and "ending graphics" so people can make them whatever size you wanted. I think that was a great thing about carp. But from what i spoke with QiQi about, it doesn't seem like you can make the individual pieces like for instance stone tables. marble seems to be the only ones that are extendable tables in the game Sad. And from what i seen the hue on them looks too pastel colors to me(all light colors) I know IN1 had a wooden table that you could extend that was craftable. Id love to have the 3 piece stone tables craftable like the marble ones are now. anyway the wood and stone tables being 3 piece craftable in the future?

Craftables - Emerald - 11-22-2011

I think those would be big seller's, and also help carpenter's with managing all the different tables.. cut down on Item count as well possibly!

Big Grin

Craftables - Taran - 11-22-2011

I noticed that when I added the marble and bar tables. I wanted to change all tables to be like that but I didn't have time.
I'm on a short break now but I'll replace the deeds with table pieces eventually, hehe.

Craftables - Emerald - 11-22-2011

[COLOR="green"]Yay! I can't wait for my vacation in Dec!

Thanks Taran[/COLOR]

Craftables - Mystic Edge - 11-25-2011

Here were the wooden ones that were on IN1 that were extendable, One looks similar top to a bar but smaller section to 3 peices and the other table piece were ones with one leg (3 or 4 pieces with legs at different ends and center piece) section off as individual pieces which were able to not only extend length but also width. Also, I caught a few things that are unrelated Tongue, I don't know if there's taxidermy in the game already but carps could make the trophy heads back then. Also if you had 1 ingot, 1 arrow/crossbow bolt, a bolt, or a log They could be turned into piles for deco. I thought it worked for all ingot types too for deco. And i forgot back when player vendors were on IN1 before taken away they could be shrunk Tongue I kind of miss stealing the clothes off the player vendor and coloring it anyway you wanted and then dragging it back on. Could make your player vendor look pretty bad ass with the custom colors and add the mine-able armor if you wanted Big Grin

[Image: editedscreeny.png]

Craftables - soMa - 11-26-2011

That's a cool idea I can't wait.
Now what about the cloth tables and stuff like that, can we get those tables added to be able to craft them ?

Craftables - Taran - 11-26-2011

Yeah I want to add a bunch of tables.