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Suggests - Power Hour - Printable Version

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Suggests - Power Hour - Serevok - 11-16-2011

I think this is very very usefull to bring new players...

Each day has 1-2 hour(s) that the skill rate increase 0.2 instead of 0.1...

Thats good =) What you guys think? Cool

Suggests - Power Hour - Emerald - 11-16-2011

oh yeah! That way in the last 2 days of mining I would have gained .2 instead of just .1 !! Love that idea! hehe

Suggests - Power Hour - Atlas - 11-17-2011

Yes! This was a GREAT feature for getting people on and active on The Abyss server. I loved it and would make a point to get on for at least an hour or two every day
Basically it worked by turning the .1 gain to .2 so the actual level of gain is the same, you just get twice as much whenever you do gain

Suggests - Power Hour - Genocide - 11-17-2011

i agree power hour are fun

no regs-2x gain 2x loot

would make people hunt npcs and other players hunt players who are hunting npcs :O

Suggests - Power Hour - Christina Thorn - 11-18-2011

ya and during that time my bank would get dumped in front of brit bank!

Suggests - Power Hour - Habibi Jones - 11-18-2011

Yeah I loved it on Abyss too but here I think powerhour every day is too much. Maybe just 1 day per week there's maybe 4 hours of .2 gains.

Suggests - Power Hour - Serevok - 12-05-2011

Staff ?
What you guys think about it?
I think we really need this! =)

Ps:. Work skills are very very hard to up. =x

Thank you

Suggests - Power Hour - Taran - 01-09-2012

I think the skill bonus weekends we have occasionally is enough, I don't want to make skills easier than they are right now.