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Cooking Body Parts - Printable Version

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Cooking Body Parts - Habibi Jones - 07-02-2011

One thing that I really miss about some of the other shards I've played is that it was possible to cook human meat. I've never in my life experienced anything more satisfying than cooking a dude's body parts and eating them in front of him while he's waiting for you to res him :dance:

Cooking Body Parts - Christina Thorn - 07-02-2011

i think you can eat them without cooking

Cooking Body Parts - soMa - 07-02-2011

I swear I might gm cooking, Im seriously thinking about it. I just wish there were more things to do with the skill.

Cooking Body Parts - Eru - 07-02-2011

There's actually a cooking script for Human Jerky that I think Shade was going to add. Right now you just eat the body parts by default. I think we should change the body parts when you cut it so you can put the body parts back together to make a spread-eagled body like you could on OSI. I kindof miss that.

Dagger on a body made: head, arms, legs, torso
Dagger on torso made: heart, liver(?)
Dagger on head made: brain
Dagger on arms/legs made: human jerky (?)

Cooking Body Parts - Habibi Jones - 07-02-2011

Eheheh. It's just funny to start a little camp fire and cook their body parts before you eat them.

edit: And yeah, I'd gm cooking in a heartbeat if it was actually useful for something. Say if you could cook food that gave you a temporary skillgain? That'd be neat.

Cooking Body Parts - Maktor D. - 07-02-2011

I think i already started a thread about making cooking useful

Cooking Body Parts - Eru - 07-02-2011

Yeah, there have been several but we never quite decide on a good use for it.

Cooking Body Parts - soMa - 07-02-2011

Yeah im gonna find that post again and mention some things.