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Is it just me or do guards not work how they're supposed to? - Printable Version

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Is it just me or do guards not work how they're supposed to? - Atlas - 09-28-2011

If someone attacks you and you're blue, shouldn't they go crim and you should be able to call guards...why is it different here lol

Is it just me or do guards not work how they're supposed to? - Sphinx - 09-28-2011

It is not different here. Where did it happen and what happen?

Is it just me or do guards not work how they're supposed to? - Atlas - 09-28-2011

A pk attacked me in a hunting area while i was blue, I got to town and he isn't crim lol, thats it
guards couldnt be called or anything

Is it just me or do guards not work how they're supposed to? - Sphinx - 09-28-2011

How long after he attacked you did you see him? And are you sure you were blue when he attacked you?

Is it just me or do guards not work how they're supposed to? - Taran - 09-28-2011

Right now the criminal timer goes away after only a minute or so, or at least just a few minutes.

Is it just me or do guards not work how they're supposed to? - Habibi Jones - 09-28-2011

Guards work fine. It only takes me 2.5 minutes (150 seconds) to go blue after attacking you. Next time instead of running away you should get a friend and gank me if you want me dead Wink