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What the ****.... - Printable Version

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What the ****.... - Atlas - 09-27-2011

ok so how is it possible that some guys come in to the newbie mercenary area and ****ing rape me while im hunting...

What the ****.... - Tauon - 09-27-2011

Newbie hunting area? Pffftttt. More like PvP arena with monsters!

What the ****.... - Atlas - 09-27-2011

pisses me like to be warned at least before i got into the NEWBIE HUNTING AREA not realizing that it's PVP active

What the ****.... - Eru - 09-27-2011

Sorry about that, I'll put up some signs. The mercenary camp is meant to be an after-newbie area where it's a little bit harder than the actual newbie dungeon, but still not a full-on dungeon. If you go into the grey building in the SE area of the mercenary camp, it will take you to the newbie-newbie dungeon.

What the ****.... - Tauon - 09-27-2011

Thanks, Eru.

What the ****.... - Atlas - 09-27-2011

Thanks for the reply Eru, noted

What the ****.... - Israfil - 09-27-2011

yea thanks eru :/

What the ****.... - Habibi Jones - 09-28-2011

It's not guarded is it? Do you expect to be safe in an unguarded area? Rule number one of Ultima Online: You aren't safe anywhere. Rule two, don't trust anyone. See you in the merc camp.

Edit: If you don't want to lose items then don't wear them. Bring invisibility potions. Don't just run around in circles not healing when someone is trying to kill you.

What the ****.... - kyleus3 - 09-29-2011

lol @ habibi. there are invisibility potions?

What the ****.... - Habibi Jones - 09-29-2011

Yes they are made by grinding up wyrm hearts.

What the ****.... - Tauon - 09-29-2011

Habibi Jones Wrote:It's not guarded is it? Do you expect to be safe in an unguarded area? Rule number one of Ultima Online: You aren't safe anywhere. Rule two, don't trust anyone. See you in the merc camp.

Edit: If you don't want to lose items then don't wear them. Bring invisibility potions. Don't just run around in circles not healing when someone is trying to kill you.

Assumptions are super awesome, right? Wink

What the ****.... - Atlas - 10-01-2011

Habibi Jones Wrote:It's not guarded is it? Do you expect to be safe in an unguarded area? Rule number one of Ultima Online: You aren't safe anywhere. Rule two, don't trust anyone. See you in the merc camp.

Edit: If you don't want to lose items then don't wear them. Bring invisibility potions. Don't just run around in circles not healing when someone is trying to kill you.

I LOL'd at one asked you to be a cawk about killing me. You KILLED me already so why be a douche about it more?
-- Yes I expect(ed) to be safe there because I assumed it was the same as the newbie PvP (which I'm unsure that there isn't)
-- I healed but was poisoned already by the monster that was killing me
-- My pvp macros aren't set yet because I thought I was in a NON-PVP I already said.
-- Items are replaceable, the only reason I'm pissed I lost them is because I didn't know I could in that area.

There's no need to be a snarky ass to the guy you just raped unexpectedly. I thought you were a chill player before, too bad.