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Guards Pain and Hatred - Printable Version

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Guards Pain and Hatred - imported_MadMan - 06-04-2009

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Once proud Britain guards now ruthless murderers. Once caring human beings now dreadful criminals.

It all begin when our Great leader of Britain Heron was overthrown by a new, rich and powerful man Rabbi Samild. He was a evil criminal. A thief you might say, He hid his inner self to fool the young immature brains of Britain promising a wealthier life, a better life. But he couldn't become king with just a few kind words. He needed to assassinate Heron and that plan was soon accomplished by a traitor of the guards by the name of Margarita, a wise and skillful killer.
The horrid crime was covered up and set to look like a suicide but Heron was no sinner. He was a pure Holy man. With the town of Britain leaderless the people began to worry. They feared the worse and other towns might attack at any given time to control the land. It would be a smart move to attack a leaderless army. So they were quick to announce a new leader, One who promised many things but one who was very evil and the people did not know.
Rabbi Samild became King of Britain and that's when the faithful guards lost self control. The Commanding guard Madman started working on plots to try and take the thrown from Rabbi. But Rabbi's lies spread into the town and citizens were loyal to him. Rabbi began building a stronger army of guards. With his millions he equipped them with Vanquishing weapons and Invul Plate armor. The best of the best for his protectors of course. But money cannot buy Skill and heart. He soon realized that after we defeated all 100 guards in one night. We tried to murder this new leader out of hatred. We gave up everything we ever fought for just to have his head. He murdered our leader, he took control of our town and he stole the loyalty of our citizens. But it was all a wasted attempt. His lies were believed by every single person of Britain. He called it a bloody massacre, a betrayal and soon we were banned from our beloved town.
That's when we became insane. We lost control of our minds, all we wanted is to murder ALL of Britain for believing this man. For betraying US With this "New King". We swore one day they will all pay. They will all suffer tremendously and will regret ever announcing Rabbi as king of Britain. As the days went by our men got angrier and angrier anyone who spoke to us the wrong way would get their head chopped off in an instant. We conquered every small town we found and became very wealthy ourselves. With our new money we ate like champions and felt no remorse for those who had lost their lives. We wanted the world to feel the pain and hatred we felt. We moved on and on until we ran into our soon to be Home.
A place called Ocllo. We shared our story to the people there and they wanted to help us. They too were Rebels to the new king of Britain so they offered us help to destroy Britain and thus we became Leaders of Ocllo. We trained the citizens there into perfect fighters. We bought them weapons, but not armor. Our skill was too great to need armor in battle.
We rode on Horses and fought with a Black dagger only called "Dagger of Pain". We slaughtered our enemies quick, and used the night to our advantaged. Stealth was key, When our enemy was spotted we quickly slit their throats.
One afternoon a wandering merchant made his way into our town. He was a master tailor and wanted to become part of our group. He proved his skill in tailoring by making all of Ocllo our clothes. a "Shroud of Hatred". He was welcomed into our clan. We began plotting our move to destroy Britain soon after that. One of our fighters thought up a strategy to murder all the guards at once and quietly slaughter the king. It was quite simple really, But only a group of skilled fighters can accomplish this plan and it was perfect for us.
We had a couple spies act as Britain guards for a week. Finding out their schedules, on the upcoming Friday night all the Britain guards were to meet up at "Sweet Dreams" Inn. That's when we would make our move. Finally the day has come for our revenge, We waited in stealth around the Inn, 150 of our men stealthed versus 500 guards dining inside with no clue they would soon perish. The king would arrive in 20 minutes to feast with his guards but the only thing we made sure he would arrive to is bloody corpses.
One of my men by the name of Extrmultima casted a Brick wall on the entrance to the inn to make sure no one would try and escape. Our men were all powerful casters, and instantly killed all of the Britain guards in 5 seconds. Earthquake spells by 150 casters painfully took their lives away. Soon the king arrives and my men sorrounds him and I walk forward. Calmly listening to him begging for his life I pull out my dagger and perfectly unleash it on his forehead.
My men went berserk after that. Knowing there was nothing that could stop them they burned the entire Town to the ground and killed everyone. Rabbi Samild and his entire town died that night. It was known as God's Revenge since it happened so fast no other town knew what happened that day. Britain just dissapeared. Its been one hundred years since that night and this story still spreads throughout Ocllo. The story of how the great clan of KOS ruled Ocllo and nothing could stop them. We are immortals, We resurrect the dead and destroy anyone who betrays us.[/COLOR]

(Applied items are mentioned in the story)