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omg why!!!! - smoke - 03-25-2009

omg why was the menus changed from old style back to runuo style Sad i can't even macro my inscribe atm until i make a new script because my script is made for the old gumps Sad was it just changed out of the blue or was there something wrong with it? I personally like the old ones better Sad

Old > New

omg why!!!! - imported_Odium - 03-25-2009

[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Due to functionallity, People where screaming for the runuo menues as it was easier to see what resources that was needed.

Maybe we could add both crafting menues and players then via a command could deside what gump they want to use. example. .craftmenu

I am not sure this is something that the developers currently are looking at. But it could sure be added as a suggestion for taran and the dev team.[/COLOR]

omg why!!!! - imported_Lederoil - 03-25-2009

The old menus were terrible...

omg why!!!! - smoke - 03-25-2009

Lederoil Wrote:The old menus were terrible...

I never had a problem with them if you knew how to use them.. They worked just fine

Odium Wrote:[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Due to functionallity, People where screaming for the runuo menues as it was easier to see what resources that was needed.

Maybe we could add both crafting menues and players then via a command could deside what gump they want to use. example. .craftmenu

I am not sure this is something that the developers currently are looking at. But it could sure be added as a suggestion for taran and the dev team.[/COLOR]

Alright thanks would be awesome instead of chaning my whole macros for each scroll o.o

omg why!!!! - imported_Odium - 03-25-2009

For some persons yes, But smoke is not the first one to complain that the old gump now is gone. its all a discussion regarding, functionallity versus feeling. And should in my eyes be investigated if it could be done fairly easy. (to have both menus) if not then it should be a future question

omg why!!!! - smoke - 03-25-2009

Odium Wrote:For some persons yes, But smoke is not the first one to complain that the old gump now is gone. its all a discussion regarding, functionallity versus feeling. And should in my eyes be investigated if it could be done fairly easy. (to have both menus) if not then it should be a future question

yeah i just really don't feel like redoing all my scripts for my scrolls got like 8 to do then :mad: anyways i just wont macro for now, i hope this can be fixed in the future

going to school g2g cya =]

omg why!!!! - Eighty Swords - 03-25-2009

OMG you're up at 6:30 for school?! God damn man I get up at 6:30 to go to work out in Dorval! lol that sucks.

I can't complain with these menus, you only need 1 macro that clicks the make last button. Then when you want to make scrolls make one yourself and run the macro when the first scroll is done to keep making the last scroll.

omg why!!!! - imported_Muto - 03-25-2009

Smoke if you don't know how to do the macro msg me on msn and ill help you

omg why!!!! - imported_Ryuuku - 03-25-2009

Try to do bs/carp/bowcraft on the old menu, its a pain, you need like 6 igredients to do an HH or any of the new wepons ( and also some itens for the new furnitures), Its terrible to know wich are the igredients on old menu.

Plus that RunUO menu shows the skills needed and also the succes and excptional succes chance on itens, its awsome for crafter.

I really like the sphere look style but the RunUO functionaly owns.

Edit: If the Odium idea about add a comand to chose the menu get implemented on future would be great to make everyone hapy, but anyways Im going to stay with the RunUO menu

omg why!!!! - imported_Hiroshima - 03-25-2009

I like MUCH more the RunUO menu. Its much easier to use, but still it would be great to have boths.

omg why!!!! - imported_Lederoil - 03-25-2009

smoke Wrote:I never had a problem with them if you knew how to use them..

Know how to use them? Who the f*** wouldn't know how to use them?

omg why!!!! - imported_Tiesto - 03-25-2009

easy guys, no need to use harmfull words