MiB Trash Loots -
imported_Sindern - 09-04-2008
I was thinking about the trash that you fish up from doing Messages in Bottles and realized that it's pretty much all just stuff that gets dumped into the trash or on the ground.
Some things are useful for decorating: pillows, globes, paintings, skulls, candelabras, etc.
Most of the stuff is worthless: bones, shells, body parts, barrel staves, etc.
I was thinking that the item list that can be fished up needs to be looked over. Preferably with more decoration items added, possibly a quest item.
Just an off-the-top-of-my-head quest ideas:
A wedding ring that you return to a widow NPC.
A key that lets you open the hold of the funky-looking ship in papua.
A captain's log that needs to be returned to some guard NPC in britain.
Possibly a new type of net?
Anyway, those are just ideas. Mostly I'd like to see more decoration items since the decoration that's available now in-game is kinda limited.
MiB Trash Loots -
imported_Ryuuku - 09-04-2008
Sindern Wrote:Just an off-the-top-of-my-head quest ideas:
A wedding ring that you return to a widow NPC.
A key that lets you open the hold of the funky-looking ship in papua.
A captain's log that needs to be returned to some guard NPC in britain.
Possibly a new type of net?
Anyway, those are just ideas. Mostly I'd like to see more decoration items since the decoration that's available now in-game is kinda limited.
Take The Heart of the Ocean back to Rose ( the colar she throw on ocean in Titanic) :p
MiB Trash Loots -
imported_Lederoil - 09-04-2008
Fishing is problably one of the most rewarding skills as it is now... I really don't think it would be a good idea to make it even more rewarding.
MiB Trash Loots -
imported_Hiroshima - 09-04-2008
I agree with Sindern, or just delete them.
MiB Trash Loots -
imported_Sindern - 09-05-2008
Maybe it just seemed like a lot of stuff because I did to many at once. :/ Oh well, more types of decoration would be nice, but until then, I'll just find other stuff to do with the trash.
MiB Trash Loots -
imported_Theo - 09-05-2008
Sindern Wrote:Maybe it just seemed like a lot of stuff because I did to many at once. :/ Oh well, more types of decoration would be nice, but until then, I'll just find other stuff to do with the trash.
holy lord. i thought my 10mib find was crazy. took me 7 hours to hunt and locate all 10mibs.... i can't imagine how long 40 mibs took you...
MiB Trash Loots -
imported_Lederoil - 09-05-2008
Seriously guys... The trash loot is a pain in the ass, but like the treasure chest isn't worth all the dirty job? I'd say it should be even more tedious and painful to get the chests than it already is, because it's not really that bad as it is now...
MiB Trash Loots -
imported_Sindern - 09-05-2008
Theo Wrote:holy lord. i thought my 10mib find was crazy. took me 7 hours to hunt and locate all 10mibs.... i can't imagine how long 40 mibs took you...
Grand total time was probably like 5 hours, not counting the time it took to farm the actual bottles through fishing. ~_O The key is planning.
MiB Trash Loots -
imported_Hiroshima - 09-06-2008
7 HOURS TO FIND 10 MIBS?? You probably never docked the ship.
What i do is, I put the ship in a ship model, go walking near the treasure then place the ship

MUCH faster!
MiB Trash Loots -
imported_Theo - 09-06-2008
the thing is... i stole the ship, so i don't have the key for it.
and just yesterday someone stole my stolen ship ;[
btw: 7hours to find all 10 mibs and to fish it all up, actually only took me 2-3 hours to find 10 mibs, the rest is going to the location. plus i screw up 2 of the mib and when to wrong place.
MiB Trash Loots - smoke - 09-06-2008
oh sorry i think i stoled it and said forward so it's lost now
MiB Trash Loots -
imported_Sindern - 09-06-2008
Just buy one.

They're like 12K and useful. ~_O