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Any litter bugs here ever heard of a Trash Can? - Printable Version

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Any litter bugs here ever heard of a Trash Can? - imported_ShadarWar - 01-31-2008

Any litter bugs here ever heard of a Trash Can? Smile No seriously though im tired of seeing people dropping like 3000 nightsight potions or whatever in busy areas. I hate being stuck cause of the lag. I already have to deal with crappy Comcast connection dont want to have unneccesary lag in game from someone being lazy and not using their trash can in game.

Thanks for reading.

Oh and i'll point a finger at Devilman for doing the nightsight thing yesterday. Smile

Any litter bugs here ever heard of a Trash Can? - imported_Sindern - 02-01-2008

I love it when people drop their trash. Smile I pick it up and stick it in a bag in my bank I have for that purpose. Then when it gets full I set it as my sell agent hotbar and run to a few vendors for some quick cash. I'm still poor as helll though so most people wouldn't do that.

also a tip for people who want to drop a bunch of craftables: organizer agents. Set a hotbar and hit the organizer and all the items go to the one bag. Nyku can trash that after you're done.

Posted from phone. Sorry if it has errors.

Any litter bugs here ever heard of a Trash Can? - Eighty Swords - 02-02-2008

here's an awesome command thanks to maka; type "[massmove" drag a potion somewhere, and they all go there