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Hey everyone - Printable Version

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Hey everyone - imported_mikethewarlord - 12-27-2007

I decided I was going to start playing this game part time for a little bit. Are there any people that I would know that still play? Thanks

Hey everyone - imported_Lerri - 12-27-2007

LOL mike the warboar

Hey everyone - imported_mikethewarlord - 12-27-2007

Well I should probably give everyone my update for the last 5 years or so. After leaving IN, I played a couple other shards but did not really play for much longer. I gave up soon after and found a new joy: a social life. I realized that playing this game obsessively was probably not the best idea, as my social life was at an all time low for when i was playing this game for ridicolous periods of time. I will not lie; while playing this game obsessively I was the defenition of a geek. However, I have since gone from being an introvert to an extreme extrovert. This prevented me from ever coming back. I also discovered one of the other joys of living in the west coast of Canada: Marijuana. That acted as a new replacement.

I went to university right after high school, and I am currently completing my degree in psychology, with a minor in biochemistry. After starting university I found something more enjoyable than both ultima online and marijuana; the pursuit of getting laid Smile.

I have applied for medical school this year, and will know if I am accepted by the end of January. This means, essentially, that grades are not that important for my last semester if I'm already accepted Wink. I have also quit smoking copius amounts of weed, which left a big gap open in my life again (damnit).

My goal is to play this shard at a moderate level (maximum 1 hour per day, absolutly no more, and only after completing all required homework). However, I have decided if I start to reform to my old habbits, I will delete my account immediatly. Furthermore, if I start to complain about playing this game obsessively, I urge the GM's to delete my account for me. Smile

One thing that I do want to clarify is this: I am now 21 years old and am no longer a 15-16 year old shithead. I know that I wasn't exactly the most loved character. I'm sure everyone had their reasons. However, I will do my best to prevent any sort of the same reputation. I have defenitly grown up a lot, and I hope that you guys can see this as well.

If anyone does remember me, then it's nice to see you again. Feel free to say hi. I realisticly should have just created a new account with a different name to avoid the several people that will try to make my life a living hell as a new player that, let's face it, could be easily destroyed by.... well anyone Smile. However, I'm not gonna lie and pretend to be someone else. Thus, I have chosen the same character name. Oh, and since I will have to start from complete scratch, you can consider me like the salvation army: Always accepting donations Wink.

Warning to the GM's, I WILL be macroing a lot for the first little bit to get some skills up there (however, macroing is legal I see). I noticed that character importation is allowed, however I am sure that my account has long been deleted.

Anyways, I'll stop my ramble. Cheers to everyone that remembers me, and all the people that will soon meet me.

Hey everyone - BiReal - 12-27-2007

well we already met in game, mike mike mike mike mikeWink

Hey everyone - imported_Slaquer - 12-27-2007

allo mike, dunno if you remember me but if you do hello

Hey everyone - imported_n0x* - 12-28-2007

Welcome to IN:X mike, let's hope you decide to stick to your rules and not play too obsessively. Lets also hope that you decide to stay with us; you will not regret your stay here!


Hey everyone - imported_Bart - 12-28-2007

woah... didn't expect to see that name never again..
hello there Mike the builder

Hey everyone - imported_Aghast - 12-28-2007

Heya Mike. Good to see you again Smile

Hey everyone - imported_ScareCrow - 12-28-2007

n0x* Wrote:Welcome to IN:X mike, let's hope you decide to stick to your rules and not play too obsessively. Lets also hope that you decide to stay with us; you will not regret your stay here!


werd. Welcome. nOx is our mascotte by the way, he can't speak english Confused.

Hey everyone - imported_n0x* - 12-28-2007

ScareCrow Wrote:werd. Welcome. nOx is our mascotte by the way, he can't speak english Confused.

100% Incompetent. :eek:

Hey everyone - imported_ScareCrow - 12-28-2007

n0x* Wrote:100% Incompetent. :eek:

*Goes for a ride with nOx in his Skyline* Big Grin You know i love you Noxxy Big Grin

Hey everyone - imported_Mephisto - 12-28-2007

Your a old foe'gy now. Welcome to the club :lol: