Boredom -
imported_SombraX - 12-10-2007
Well this is a thread about the shard status. Some of the server's population have the same opinion about the shard, we currently find this shard boring that's why we are thinking of stopping playing UO, when we play in this shard we feel like making an effort not like having fun, and i do not play to get stressed, this is not my opinion, we are a lot of players who think the same as I do. Things like almost no ganking in red towns, making lots of efforts to get 1000 gps, skillgains are so slow that you lose interest in em and lots of things that are hard, for example it's impossible to find a mustang or an orn so you have to ride always shitty rides...
This is not just my opinion, a part of the server's population is getting bored and planning to leave, we are not having fun, we just want you to know, maybe you care a bit about us, (I don't think so, personally) and do something.
Praecor Loth.
Boredom -
imported_Horacio - 12-10-2007
[size="7"]This Is A Beta!!!!![/size]
Im sure more events will be taking place once its done. Also, This is IN1 playstyle with XUO PvP. You have known that from the start. Whats the point of complaining about it now?
Boredom -
imported_Smurtle - 12-10-2007
Stressed? Playing a video game?
I'm sorry. I've no pity. This isn't school or work. It's just a game that requires some effort. If you can't GM smithy in a week because of other obligations, guess what? You just GM it in a month. Two months. Whenever. Play to play.
There should be no incentive these kids have to provide you to play other than a stable shard and staff support. Hours of scripting went into this and you still want something for nothing?
I'm sorry if you're bored or going to leave, the more the merrier, but it sounds like you have some other underlying problems and using this as a way to vent or project your emotions.
Boredom -
imported_SombraX - 12-10-2007
Horacio Wrote:[size="7"]This Is A Beta!!!!![/size]
Im sure more events will be taking place once its done. Also, This is IN1 playstyle with XUO PvP. You have known that from the start. Whats the point of complaining about it now?
I know, and that's the only thing that encourages me to keep on playing, but, i haven't seen any noticeable change in the whole time we've been in beta, just "changes in loots" which never noticed, and removal of spawns of titans which made the game funnier, that was a place where you could actually get money...
Boredom -
imported_Smurtle - 12-10-2007
SombraX Wrote:I know, and that's the only thing that encourages me to keep on playing, but, i haven't seen any noticeable change in the whole time we've been in beta, just "changes in loots" which never noticed, and removal of spawns of titans which made the game funnier, that was a place where you could actually get money...
I know if you take the time to hunt for a week you can PvP for a month or more. If money is the problem, you're doing something really wrong.
Boredom -
imported_SombraX - 12-10-2007
Smurtle Wrote:Stressed? Playing a video game?
I'm sorry. I've no pity. This isn't school or work. It's just a game that requires some effort. If you can't GM smithy in a week because of other obligations, guess what? You just GM it in a month. Two months. Whenever. Play to play.
There should be no incentive these kids have to provide you to play other than a stable shard and staff support. Hours of scripting went into this and you still want something for nothing?
I'm sorry if you're bored or going to leave, the more the merrier, but it sounds like you have some other underlying problems and using this as a way to vent or project your emotions.
Yeah, i know that, we cannot get something for nothing, but what the hell, i do not like this playstyle that wastes a month of your life to GM alchemy
Boredom -
imported_Smurtle - 12-10-2007
A month? WHO!?!?
I know someone right now who has only been macroing a week and from 30 is at 88. You have to take the time to gather resources. That's the only time consuming thing I've seen.
Boredom -
imported_SombraX - 12-10-2007
Smurtle Wrote:I know if you take the time to hunt for a week you can PvP for a month or more. If money is the problem, you're doing something really wrong.
Money isn't the whole problem, everything is the problem, everything is hard, and personally, macroing or hunting for hours isn't fun in my opinion.
Boredom -
imported_Smurtle - 12-10-2007
Then what IS your opinion of fun?
I see a lot of complaints but no suggestions that could possibly be used.
Boredom -
imported_SombraX - 12-10-2007
Smurtle Wrote:Then what IS your opinion of fun?
I see a lot of complaints but no suggestions that could possibly be used.
Do not take this thread as a flame, as it isn't, well OUR opinion of fun is to play against other players who actually have a brain, not a ****ing zombie that moves 1 tile per minute... to hunt for an hour and you actually get money not 5k, to be able to ride a horse that isn't bought for 550 gps and a long etc... I just want things to be easier.
Boredom -
imported_Horacio - 12-10-2007
You just need to find good hunting spots. I found a spot where I can make 3k in 10 mins. Its all about exploration. Who cares if your horse isnt coloured? it still gets you from point A to point B, right?
Now Im not trying to convince you to stay, or force you to go, its your choice. You say things are too hard now, and thats boring. But if things were made too easy, after you GM everything and have nothing left to accomplish in two months, you would be saying the EXACT same thing. "I'm bored, theres nothing left to accomplish here".
UO is not for everyone. Hell, I took a 5 year break from UO. I got bored of it, and I probably will again. There are plenty of MMOs out there to play (even for free) if you look hard enough. It would suck to lose a player from the server, but dont expect the admins to bend over backwards to keep you. They have to look our for the best interest of the shard itself, not the individuals on it.
Boredom -
imported_Silverwolf - 12-10-2007
Dont worry sombrax, I agree with you dude. These constant lag issues and crashs, ugly horses and no "fun" in making yourself look good, which was always a pleasure doing, everythings hard to have, wouldnt be bad if there was many people, but when theres shit super hard to do and theres no player activity, it isnt motivating.
I still say we should have a lot more different type of rides available for the public, have some change, tired of riding these horses aswell...
things in a sense, not all things, should be easier to keep people motivated, but its hard as hell here to get anything which makes someone frustrated yeah. There's not enough GM activity, hosting events which REQUIRE you to use your own supplies which will give a boost to the economy.
There's no events, hardly any staff members willing to do anything but answer pages which take forever to answer "sometimes", not enough developpers to satisfy the needs of the players. We need to HIRE DEVELOPPERSSSSSSSS.
No occlo quests involving the economy and having people promote gank/hunting at the same time. Players with "roleplaying" skin colors dont get looked after routinely to make sure they are roleplaying, one of them which i believe is Dima, that ni.gga dont do any roleplaying and is colored green.
its a mix of things really, 200 players only see 50-70 lmao, you log on it's the same damn thing everyday, no change, we need change or else people get bored...
I dont know what it is, but I aswell am getting bored... personally I see no reason aswell in playing, i'm not saying im going to quit atm, but things are pilling up and leading me to that...
Bottom line is:
I know its not easy since since its free, but theres TONS of people who are always active and would love to help players and be on to make the shard successfull...
make forms for them to send, applications for being staff, and read them and start hiring...
It's a list of things, but i understand Sombrax and i'm on the same page.
Seems as if the staff just giving up slowly, less and less people, lag issues continuing, crashes always happening, you see a lot of little things add up at the end, its eliminating the little things which keep us alive.