Connection troubles & Extreme lag -
Craize - 11-18-2007
Hi guys, ok so first off.. i'd just like to say that i've tryed uninstalling/reinstalling..letting uo patch all the way through etc etc and im still having serious problems.
Over the last week or so my connection has been fine, a bit laggy but nothing that wasnt to be expected for a beta shard.. however now, for the last few days it's been a nightmare. To log in sometimes takes 3 minutes or so, but sometimes will login fast.. but eitherway, when i am logged in.. it takes me about 1 minute to take 5 footsteps..
My situation:
Based in UK
Using wireless to connect (Connection to internet is on average 2mbps)
UO Mondains legacy, fully patched (5.0.6b (patch 32)
Vista 64 bit (i know i know!)
Using Razor to login
After pinging the inx.xs4all server i get an average response of 30ms.. which is good, so why is my UO soooo bad. Any help will be greatly appreciated here, as i really dont want to have to find another shard =(
Thanks guys!!
Connection troubles & Extreme lag - Nex - 11-18-2007
Take a look at your packet loss..
ping -n 100
Connection troubles & Extreme lag -
Craize - 11-18-2007
The results i got are:
0% loss
Min: 21ms, Max 130ms, Average 24ms
Connection troubles & Extreme lag -
Craize - 11-18-2007
Ok here is the situation guys.. when not patching AT ALL through osi, the client seems to work perfectly.. when i start patching uo.. thats when the trouble comes. So i guess the question is, do i really need to patch?
Connection troubles & Extreme lag -
imported_Smurtle - 11-18-2007
I patched to that level, ran UO and patched further to the No problems so far. I use Vista also and have no complications.
Connection troubles & Extreme lag -
imported_Aghast - 11-18-2007
Craize Wrote:So i guess the question is, do i really need to patch?
Connection troubles & Extreme lag -
Craize - 11-19-2007
For anyone else that has issues like this:
I've solved it now, it was something SO simple but overlooked. It was something to do with the connection to the DSL or the router itself.. so those of you with a router:
1) Try d/c the router from the wall and plug it back in first.
2) If that fails (mine did) then reset router to factory settings and start again, but make sure that remember all your details!
3) If you dont want to/can't rebuild your router then try leave the router off overnight, apparently (according to Netgear here) there is some type of static that builds up in the router, and sometimes leaving it over night can fix any problems???
Connection troubles & Extreme lag -
imported_Dotjr - 11-20-2007
Sounds a bit strange. My father is an electrical engineer and he has never told me about static..strange. You could of also tried to download the client here on the site. Hellhound had crashing issues with the osi updated client, he installed the website client and it worked all good.