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NPC salesprice table - imported_Duke - 11-17-2007

The sales prices to npcs for ANY item is completely below what they should be. Ive tried crafting every single item from blacksmith, tinker, tailor all exceptionally made and everything sells for way below average. The prices on INR were perfect and I suggest the replace or look up the old scripts to match the prices. Currently it doesnt matter what you do a crafter cant make money.

Examples which I am familiar with on almost any shard

Blacksmith: best way for a blacksmith to make money is exceptional gorgets which sell for 150gp non exceptional sell for 100gp. Here exceptional gorgets sell for 62gp.

Tailor: Leather makes the most money for tailor. Leather gloves and sleeves are suppose to make 10-12gp per leather while exceptional ones make 15-16gp per leather. Here i tried making everything from cloth to studded leather and the most you can make is 4gp per leather.

All items sold back are suppose to be proportional to the amount of resources they take and the value of each resource. Would it be possible to replace the current tables with the INR ones taking into consideration that you can still gain from making the easiest thing.

NPC salesprice table - imported_Slaquer - 11-17-2007

Some prices on INR were shit...but I agree with you that we should be able to make some money back, when at that level [GM]. I think Makaveli knows what most people do when there is something to craft that gives a profit, you whore it, and reap from it. On INR I had a fully auto script that mined on one char almost 24 hours a day, and another char took the iron, crafted it into hammers, sold the hammers to tinkers, and banked the gold. This was because it was easy to do, auto mining and such, and the profit was like 50% or so, I think things like at GM Blacksmith, you can take old copper and make gorgets and sell them for profit, but ONLY at GM...things like that. Not resources you can buy from vendors, ones you must get yourself, or buy from other players [prices will increase and be just right from supply/demand].

NPC salesprice table - imported_Neyk - 11-17-2007

Maybe they should changed it, that only at 100% you can make exceptional stuff? Then also raise a price abit more. So we still wouldnt make cash while training and only get profit at gm. It was like this ( exceptional stuff when GM'ed ) on sphere, if im right :neutral:

NPC salesprice table - imported_Keezichus - 11-17-2007

i dunno, on the one hand id like some easier money, but on the other hand i feel this might be best...
even the littlest profit you get from vendor sales can become critical when exploited by 200+ players for some months.
it generates lots of "easy" cash and ****s up the economy.

at first i was opposed to it, but thats prolly because i just came from a shard where it was easy to do.

NPC salesprice table - imported_Lindenwood - 11-17-2007

I thought you made Superior stuff on Sphere (obviously been a while... not completely sure).

But I agree that the sell prices were low. Before I started inscription, I would sell all the scrolls I got from magic creatures, and be able to make several hundred GP (average price probably 18-20 GP, times maybe 20 scrolls). Now, because of all the people training inscription, those prices have dropped to around 4 GP average, so I don't make jack for selling the scrolls I found PKing.

If anything, I think the crafting materials should be made harder to get (specifically, cloth and blank scrolls). If you actually had to craft scrolls with logs and silk, rather than buying them 200 at a time from vendors, the sale price could be normal and it would still be non-profitable to train the skills, but still fair to all the other players.


Actually, it SHOULD be profitable to train any combat, provided you get all the resources yourself. If you personally got all the logs yourself, and bought only spider's silk, then you should be able to train inscription for a decent profit. I also think the cotton fields are a bit much.

NPC salesprice table - imported_Cole - 11-18-2007

Well, they want training skills to be a money sink. That means all items from every craft that require FEW resources should have pretty low sell prices. I may be in favor of making this sink a little less dramatic, but i also think it might be just fine how it is.

NPC salesprice table - imported_Lindenwood - 11-18-2007

Oh, the current situation is very justified. Basically, I just think that for keeping the profit down, a better overall solution would be to increase costs, rather than decrease income. Even if blank scrolls were made guaranteed craftable with like 0 tinkering or inscription, but required multiple resources (like not only logs and spider's silk, but maybe like runes or something for a little "magic flavor"), that would still be enough work and resource requirements that the sell prices could be put back to normal, so people who want to randomly sell looted scrolls can still make a bit of money, but the profit range on training inscription would still range from far negative, to just barely positive (if you actually acquired all the logs by yourself, and didn't buy any).

NPC salesprice table - imported_Kitiara - 11-18-2007

im not complaining just giving my point of view.

whats the good point of increase tailoring? only u get a nice reward just only that.

because u cant gain money here with tailoring is quite absurd then to increase a skill that is only used for getting the tub

At the start of the server badanas were 6 gps then they lowered them to 3 and now to 2 gps? u gain the same money making badanas than selling the cloth ¬.¬

also if you are going to lose money, with the rest of the items u can make with tailoring... its quite absurd.

Well then u will say with tailor u could make nice armor at the future but why i want "dragon" leather armors? if i can meditate with full platemails?

i think that u shouldn't have to earn a lot of money with tailoring but almost earn more money than now.

2 gps for a badana is quite absurd almost 3.
fancy dress all the life on sphere u got money with them here dont seems me that u are going to get enough money for buying more cloth for keep macroing

thx staff
see u

NPC salesprice table - imported_Cole - 11-18-2007

I guess when they get implemented, Dragon Scale and Elven Leather armors are a bonus. They both have nice AR, and Elven is pretty easy to require the resources for. On top of that, you have your choice at a dye tub that others (or, at least not many others depending on what color you chose) don't have access to. The reason for the prices is the same reason for all the other absurdly low prices: they're making it hard.

NPC salesprice table - imported_Duke - 11-18-2007

They arnt making it hard...if they wanted to make it hard they would make it so we made 1gp profit after crafting something. The problem here is you dont make profit at all, you actually lose money when crafting to sell back to an npc. The only way to make money now is to hunt. Currently no crafting skill makes any profit and the tables are completely wrong. When I started on INR with my 2 skills at 50 the first thing i did was kill animals for leather to make money. There are specific ways for a player to make money and right now NONE of them work. I cant even imagine how a new player is suppose to make a living without mining... ALL the sales prices need to be change because non of them are proportional to the resources they take.
Take a look at previous tables and match them up.

NPC salesprice table - imported_wold - 11-18-2007

im ok with money making being hard. and if your gonna keep it this way i can deal with it. But i do reckon that it might needed be tweaked just a slight bit. Its been a couple of weaks and theres like no money circulating... and if there is its from people who play like 24 hours a day.

In short id just like to see more money circulating round so people can make money off their trades... theres noone to buy ur stuff atm haha

NPC salesprice table - imported_dvlsmnd - 11-18-2007

totally agree, tailoring is absurd with no profit