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Brit Bridge Belongs to me. - Printable Version

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Brit Bridge Belongs to me. - imported_Nemo - 11-03-2007

Get the FAWK away or get OWNED =)

Brit Bridge Belongs to me. - imported_shylock - 11-03-2007

who are you again?

Brit Bridge Belongs to me. - imported_Christina Thorn - 11-03-2007

hes a fish

Brit Bridge Belongs to me. - imported_Slaquer - 11-03-2007

Christina Thorn Wrote:hes a fish


Brit Bridge Belongs to me. - imported_Nemo - 11-03-2007

a very evil fish!


Brit Bridge Belongs to me. - imported_AptaR - 11-03-2007

sillly nubcake ill let u keep it for now

Brit Bridge Belongs to me. - imported_Rei - 11-04-2007

You spam the forum alot...

Brit Bridge Belongs to me. - imported_Nemo - 11-04-2007

Silly nubcake nothing?

You were good when i started but then again all u did was gank with the KOS people.

I wonder why u never won a tour when u came back to the version of XUO i played?

Ohh yea, u sucked Sad always giving excuses. Go back to taming ur llamas in wind.

Brit Bridge Belongs to me. - imported_shylock - 11-04-2007

you're ****ing trash bro shut up.

Brit Bridge Belongs to me. - smoke - 11-04-2007

shylock Wrote:you're ****ing trash bro shut up.

shylock your trash shut the **** up, youve been in the jewlers shop for like 6 days straight now.. are you done macroing your first skill? jesus christ get a life stop tellin people they suck when you can't even make a macro

Brit Bridge Belongs to me. - imported_Smurtle - 11-04-2007

Actually, he can.;/ He's been macroing more than one.

Brit Bridge Belongs to me. - imported_Nemo - 11-04-2007

shyloc want a 1 v 1?

for 20k?