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Maybe stop locking threads? - Printable Version

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Maybe stop locking threads? - imported_Rachet - 10-04-2007

Don't mind a little control, but you guys are way more strict then KM and the rest were on IN1. The forums had a lot of crazy shit, but were wayyy more entertaining and filled to the brim with constant posting.. flaming was pretty normal back then, and the shard was vastly populated regardless. Frankly, I don't even remember barely any locked threads what so ever on In1, and yet here theirs one everyone week or 2. Stop locking threads.. it just wasn't done until now.

I know its a new shard.. but come on, I, among other I believe, are here for the IN1 feel.. i really have no need for an ALL BRAND NEW completely different shard.. IN1 was the best, might as well stick with what works, especially in the forums.

pst. Not a flame against other shard.

Maybe stop locking threads? - imported_Taran - 10-04-2007

We only lock threads when we have a good reason to. If you are reffering to the last post I locked I tried removing the posts first. But the insults and flaming kept coming so I had to lock it instead.

If people could just learn how to argue in a good way without insulting eachother and telling them to **** off we wouldn't have to lock any posts.

Maybe stop locking threads? - imported_Rachet - 10-04-2007

And yet In1 never had an issue, not sure if you played on in1 since it started, no threads were locked or erased hardly, unless it was incredibly terrible, and that didn't effect how great the shard did.

Compared to the In1 forums, I haven't seen ANYTHING bad or even close to over the top yet.. you guys are locking threads that are not even barely a big deal.. it's really only noticeable because of the small amount of traffic here at the moment.. once the shard is populated, you won't even notice those small threads

Oh well, its your shard, I still don't think it needs to be babied quite this much. Honestly, I don't personal feel effected, just an opinion.

Maybe stop locking threads? - imported_Pande - 10-04-2007

What you need to consider is the maturity level of the player base, and that there are also very few people from IN1, so the same attitude and behaviour can not be expected. What someone from IN1 would of taken as a joke, someone else might take more seriously.

With a new shard comes new players, often younger and we are trying to make an enjoyable place for people of all ages to play Smile

Maybe stop locking threads? - imported_Taran - 10-04-2007

IN1 forums had a very good atmosphere, when people argued they would do it in a civilized manner (most of the time).
What you don't see here are the posts we delete before locking a post. Now, if we didn't lock some posts we would not set any boundries. And if we didn't do that people would eventually stop posting because they know they would get insulted and yelled at.

Maybe stop locking threads? - imported_Veno - 10-04-2007

And i feel totally opposite. Theres far too much flamming, cursing, swearing and bad behaviour on the forums. If this shard wants to attract mature players then the forum has to reflect maturity and a good community.

But then thats just me and apparently im one of the few.

Maybe stop locking threads? - imported_Lederoil - 10-04-2007

I know there've been a lot of ridiculous 'flamewars' and what so ever, but you're locking many threads for the most tiny little reasons. You're removing unnecessarily many post, when you easily could have solved the problem by removing one or two. I would not blame the 'strict' rules though. I would just blame your judgement.

Lock threads in which they are asking question which already have been answered plenty of times before.
Lock threads in which people don't have anything to discuss.
But do NOT lock threads, where people are arguing. Arguing is something basically every one appriciate, ridiculous argues or not. This is after all, more or less, the forums purpose.

Maybe stop locking threads? - maka - 10-04-2007

fakk joo ***** your moma smells like fish....thats pretty much the "arguing" going on here. It's not intellectual, it is most often not a matter of different opinions, it is not informative and it SHOULD not be representative of the player base on INX.

Most of the flame wars that have been started in the various threads have been caused by people who only goal has been to actually begin the war. A lot of stupid shit is said that doesn't need to be said, and if one as a poster cannot predict the response to your post, then I seriously think that you shouldn't post. If you manage to start wars repeatedly, you either do it deliberately, or your mental capacity is flawed. Either way, causing chaos on the forums is getting dull, very very fast.

What we, as admins and moderators, and some players are worried about is the amount of new people coming to our forums, noticing the atmosphere, and making a decision about our server. What decision would you make if you saw everyone on the forums going haywire without the staff team moderating?

With that being said we can focus on the essence of it all. A forum isn't only supposed to be a place to give each other flowers and chocolate, a forum is a place to receive and give critic. You are also supposed to be able to "diss" people without the world coming to an end, but please, do think a little before you press the submit button.

Discussions and arguments are fun if they are kept on an intellectual level, and on that level, they will not be moderated. Try to keep it there.

PS: This is a general post and "you" doesn't really refer to anyone in particular, but a group of people that find it amusing to start these wars. Do not take any offense if you do not feel that you are one of these people.

Maybe stop locking threads? - imported_Horacio - 10-04-2007

I think if I can remember correctly, IN1 actually had a sub forums called "The Trash Can" or "The Flmaers Forum" or something, and anything that started edging towards a flame war was moved there. I know sometimes shit can get outta hand, but a lil back and forth banter is never a bad thing either. We just need to find a medium that can be accepted.

Maybe stop locking threads? - imported_Lederoil - 10-04-2007

I think a subforum "Flamewars" would be a great idea. Like Horacio mentioned, when it appears uncontrolled and irrelevant flaming, it will be moved to the subforum, in this way, the ones who enjoy it can keep on argue, beacause it is very irritating when you see the thread have been locked, and you did not get the chanse to write what you wanted/defend yourself. Then, people who don't like to read all the 'flamings', could easily just not go to that subforum.

The admins should be kinda carefull, when they are judging the argue, since there are relevant, and informative argues, even of the violent variant.

Maybe stop locking threads? - imported_Taran - 10-04-2007

The thing is, if a new player comes to these forums and see a bunch of people acting like 12-year old kids, they will most likely leave unless they are in fact 12-year old kids themselves. Like Veno said, if we want to attract mature players then the forum has to reflect maturity and a good community.

Maybe stop locking threads? - imported_Lederoil - 10-04-2007

Taran Wrote:The thing is, if a new player comes to these forums and see a bunch of people acting like 12-year old kids, they will most likely leave unless they are in fact 12-year old kids themselves. Like Veno said, if we want to attract mature players then the forum has to reflect maturity and a good community.

Agree. But I would love to see a "Flaming forum" (maybe a more attractive name) after the shard has been up for one or two months. But, I guess I could live without it.