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EasyUO - Eruliaf Cipe - 04-11-2011

I will soon be releasing some of my scripts to the public for easyuo. It is a macro tool for those of you who do not know. and is the most completely customizable. Anywho you may download at get the newest version in order for it to work probably. I believe it is 1.5 and i shall make up some scripts soon.

EasyUO - Gatin - 04-11-2011

Kamos easy uo macro mining
; OzMining 2.0
; Features:
; - Moves around the mine randomly
; - Mines a tile clean of ore before moving on to next one
; ==============================================================================

set #LPC 10
set %toolTypes QPF
set %status idle

event sysmessage Starting OzMining 2.0

while ( #charghost = no )
    event sysmessage Max weight exceded! Halting...
  if %status = no_more_ore
     set %status idle
     goto MoveToNextSpot
  set %jrnl #jindex
  gosub MineThisSpot
  gosub ProcessResults

sub MineThisSpot
  if ! ( %status = idle )
  finditem %tooltypes C
  if #FINDCNT > 0
    set #lObjectId #findId
    event macro 17 0
    set %jrnl #jindex
    tile Init
    Tile Get #CharPosX #CharPosY 2
    set #lTargetTile #tileType
    set #lTargetX #charPosX
    set #lTargetY #charPosY
    set #lTargetZ #charPosZ
    set #lTargetKind 3
    target 20s
    event Macro 22 0

    set %status mining

sub ProcessResults
  set %MiningTimer #SYSTIME
  while ( %status = mining )
    if #jindex > %jrnl
      set %jrnl %jrnl + 1
      scanjournal %jrnl
      if you_dig_some in #journal
        set %status idle
      if you_carefully_extract_some_workable_stone in #journal
        set %status idle
      if you_loosen_some_rocks in #journal
        if ( #SYSTIME <= %MiningTimer + 1000 )
          wait 7s
        set %status idle
      if You_have_moved_too_far in #journal
        set %status idle
      if you_can't_mine_there in #journal
        set %status idle
      if Someone_has_gotten in #journal
        set %status idle
      if Can't_mine_that in #journal
        set %status no_more_ore
        gosub MoveToNextSpot
      if target_cannot_be_seen in #journal
        set %status no_more_ore
        gosub MoveToNextSpot
      if there_is_no_metal_here_to_mine in #journal
        set %status no_more_ore
        gosub MoveToNextSpot
    if ( #SYSTIME >= %MiningTimer + 7000 )
      set %status no_more_ore
      gosub MoveToNextSpot

sub MoveToNextSpot
  set %GotoX #charposX
  set %GotoY #charposY
  set %oldX #charposX
  set %oldY #charposY

  set %randomInc #random % 5
  ; negative or positive?
  set %nDirection #random % 2
  if %nDirection = 1
    set %randomInc %randomInc * -1
  set %GotoY %GotoY + %randomInc

  ; Random amount of tiles to a direction
  set %randomInc #random % 5
  ; negative or positive?
  set %nDirection #random % 2
  if %nDirection = 1
     set %randomInc %randomInc * -1
  set %GotoX %GotoX + %randomInc

  tile Init
  tile Get %GotoX %GotoY 2
  if ( #tilename = cave_floor )
    gosub MoveTo %GotoX %GotoY 0
    set %status idle

sub MoveTo
  set %oldX #charposX
  set %oldY #charposY

  if ( #charposX = %1 && #charposY = %2 )
  event pathFind %1 %2 %3
  wait 5
  set %MoveStartTime #SYSTIME
  while ! ( #charposX = %1 && #charposY = %2 )
    if can't_get_there in #journal
      gosub OpenDoor
    if ( #charposX = %oldX && #charposY = %oldY )
    if ( #SYSTIME > %MoveStartTime + 1000  )

EasyUO - Israfil - 04-11-2011

We have no problem with people using EasyUO, just dont abuse the use of it. Remember gathering resources afk is illegal and anyone caught doing it will be jailed. I personally hate people that do this and if you are caught more then 2 times I will personally set your skill to 0 and delete all of the resources that you have acquired. If your caught mining or lumberjacking afk more then twice your skill will be set to 0 as will your Carpentry or Blacksmithing. You may think this is harsh but it is not fair to the people that put countless hours in to work a skill at the computer. Thank you and happy gathering!

EasyUO - Gatin - 04-12-2011

u cant use afk macro, antimacros work good.

EasyUO - Israfil - 04-12-2011

Trust me people will abuse it. It happened on INX it is bound to happen here also. That is why I am giving everyone a fair warning. DO NOT ABUSE THE EASYUO! Big Grin

EasyUO - Eru - 04-12-2011

As long as you're not finding ways to exploit the Anti-Macro system, I've got no problems with someone browsing internets or watching movies while they play, occasionally checking back for the anti-macro gump. It's how I usually gather materials. If I die from the anti-macro gump, then I quickly run to res, then get back to it.

To actually sit and watch your character chop trees or mine is, of course, madness. I think that the anti-macro gump does a good job of correcting the problem itself. Tongue If they're AFK, they'll die eventually, lose their resources, and have to start again the next time they check in.

EasyUO - Israfil - 04-12-2011

I have no problem with people watching a movie or browsing the internet, everyone is bound to die from it if they are doing this. What I'm saying is if the gump kills you and you sit there awhile without moving obviously you are abusing the program. This will not be tolerated. If it happens on a consistent basis this is when I personally will take action. I myself don't sit and watch my guy chop logs or mine as you said Eru it is madding. But I do have my UO visible and I can see every time my gump does pop up.

EasyUO - OnE - 04-22-2011

I press play on the macro and I get an error, "No supported UO client found." Any idea?

EasyUO - OnE - 05-05-2011

When I use Razor with this macro it says "No Supported UO Client Found" When I use Injection it says "Target cannot be seen" Can anyone help me out with this please?

EasyUO - Eru - 05-05-2011

I had the same issue. Smile You're probably using a version that you had saved on your computer. Update to the latest version from EasyUO's site and it should work. (It did for me anyway.)

I think you have to log in to download, but there are BugMeNot records if you want to use those instead.

EasyUO - Xarif - 05-05-2011

It could be an issue with not running the program as an administrator.