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Xuo pvp? spamming. - Printable Version

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Xuo pvp? spamming. - imported_Unreal - 02-02-2007

maka Wrote:Good idea. I'll take a break until that medium shows up, please PM me when he is found. Also, feel free to PM me if another dev shows up too.

I'm getting sick of some shit too, seriously.

Maka thats not directed at you at all...We appreciatte everything your doing...but on some things we gotta meet in the middle man....Dont you want lots of players? If the XUO players keep getting everything they want alot of IN players will quit Ive had alot of friends tell me they dont wanna play here anymore...I like the pvp its great but alot of things could be changed to feel a more bit IN like....again Im not bitching at you Maka...Im just tired of reading threads about XUO players bitching about how everything HAS to be XUO style....You dont see any IN players saying EVERYTHING has to be IN least until now...:lol:
Anyways what you got to do...Ill decide if I like it when the real server opens...Sorry just woke up in a bad mood today...

I love you maka...Big Grin

Xuo pvp? spamming. - maka - 02-02-2007

I think you missed the essence of my post, I'm not going to do anything anything until this person comes up. I'll make a post to clarify things in a sec.

Xuo pvp? spamming. - imported_maxkicker - 02-02-2007

ohhhhh shit!

Xuo pvp? spamming. - imported_n0x* - 02-02-2007

You people have to understand. Before we started development, an agreement or a treaty was signed between us, the XUO staff and the IN staff. This agreement was:

IN:X will be integrated with: XUO PvP (everything XUO PvP Related), Pits, 'Xtreme' in the name, Xtreme armor (xtreme monster spawns) and a few other minor things like the tourney prize system.

AND everything else IN. That means, the world, the creatures, the decorations, the RP systems, Non PvP events, every other fuck off thing u can imagine. Actually, the IN staff and players benefit alot more from this merge than we do so what's with the bitching? Why are you not appreciating the work Makaveli is doing for you? For your information, Maka is doing 99% of the scripting.

So please, PLEASE, think before you bitch.

Xuo pvp? spamming. - imported_SombraX - 02-02-2007

Unreal Wrote:You me friend are a IDIOT! You obviously have no clue about the history of INRolleyes It was based and built on the importance of RP and PVP a well balanced system and Im tired of hearing you spoiled ass XUO players saying everything has to be your way...Im tired of it as a IN player it seems we are getting the shortend of the stick on this server deal...Yes I like the XUO PvP but not everything has to be your way...seems to me like everytime I turn around the IN players are gettin ass raped more and more every minute and Im sure if it keeps going the majority of us INers will quit so keep on bitching about your precious XUO style everything and see how long we stick around....

and yes I am pissed off unless some shit drasticly changes before the real shard opens I wont be playing here...Yes maka has done a great job and Im glad he wonts to help he kniows his shit...but there has to be some sort of Medium here!

Nox already pwnt your ass off but i must do it again.
We ONLY want the motherfucking PvP system and duel pits, if you wanna change our pvp and turn it sucky then what we get? a merge with the benefit of having only pits from our server, think on it dickhead

Xuo pvp? spamming. - imported_Hate - 02-02-2007

Think about what you are getting before you start bitching. We are ONLY getting the things nOx said, everything else is IN-style. We try to keep these two things since they're very important to us, and you and a few others wants to take those two away from us AS WELL, because you think that having those things will "ruin the IN feeling". Do you understand why we might be slightly upset about that? If these things are removed from IN:X this server would have nothing from our server. I'm really trying to explain that in the best way possible, but it just don't seem to get through to you.

I hope you can say or do something to make Maka continue his work, but I can see why all this is upsetting him, just like it's upsetting me and everybody else from XUO.

- Hate

Xuo pvp? spamming. - imported_Unreal - 02-02-2007

Hate Wrote:Think about what you are getting before you start bitching. We are ONLY getting the things nOx said, everything else is IN-style. We try to keep these two things since they're very important to us, and you and a few others wants to take those two away from us AS WELL, because you think that having those things will "ruin the IN feeling". Do you understand why we might be slightly upset about that? If these things are removed from IN:X this server would have nothing from our server. I'm really trying to explain that in the best way possible, but it just don't seem to get through to you.

I hope you can say or do something to make Maka continue his work, but I can see why all this is upsetting him, just like it's upsetting me and everybody else from XUO.

- Hate

I am sorry I wasnt trying to piss Maka off I clearly stated that i appreciatte the work he is doing I never once said anything bad about Maka...I was just stating that everywhere i go in these post it seems I see XUO players bitching...And your gonna tell me IM bitching? I just think there is a Middle to meet..NOT the pvp i never stated anything about pvp being changed...Maka I appoligize once again I never meant to piss you off man..Your a fuking genious this server needs you...I just think XUO players need to stop thinking everything is about them...There are 2 sides to every arguement...But fuk it if you guys all wanna flame me and say im bitching then whatever...go through some post and see what your beloved XUO players are doing before you point fingers...

Xuo pvp? spamming. - imported_Odium - 02-02-2007

we dont think everything is about ous before the merge was announced it was several weeks of discussions on what both shards needed to have etc etc.. this is how it will be for startes (or was meant to be) and tbh u cant say xuo players have bitched about the IN part of the merge.. mayb they will when theyl see more of the dungeons etc but i havnt seen that much.. the bitching the xuo players have given "you" is when they defend what they liked about XUO =)

there are a few IN players aswell who have been very open minded and they are willing to give it a try. props to ya all, who dont give IN:X the boot b4 its done and you have tested it.

Xuo pvp? spamming. - imported_Boromir - 02-02-2007

Like i had said the first week already since these forums came up.
I really start hating some ppl, i was including this with some Sphere feeling and the hate to some ppl keeps growing and growing. I would like to make a hell of their further uo-life on the upcomming shard.

btw. just a few of our xuo ppl did even defend it, it was hard for me to calm myself and not yell at everyone who were paging in the topic. I'd knew it was the best thing i would be quiet, because ppl as n0x and Ztoke knows how to talk to ppl properly. But if it really had to happen i am sure every old xuo player would like to talk you guys a way to the hell! Step by step..

Xuo pvp? spamming. - Eighty Swords - 02-02-2007

blackfog ill take care of the yelling at inr players for you.

I'm sick and tired of me and other xuo players being accused of trying to eliminate any and all inr aspects from inx. Don’t you guys fucking get it? xuo has 2 main features in this shard; pvp and pits, and you fucking inr players have tried changing these two things already and you haven't even played the beta shard for 1 day.

xuo player's haven’t tried eliminating any one inr aspect; your rp, events, quests, deco, etc. everything has been accepted because we see the bigger picture. if you guys had any brains you would of waited and seen that there will be more inr shit then xuo shit, but no you just had to bitch about it and want everything your way. I think, actually i know, that you inr players are all scarred of losing inr features so you went on the offensive and started bashing on our xuo features because you fear a take over.

stfu and seriously try the shit before you start dissing it.

unreal you gotta be one of the dumbest people I know... you hate on maka's work then turn around and say I have nothing against you maka. don't you fucking understand that when you hate on maka's work, you hate on him?

you other inr players need to shut the fuck up and be patient because maka is doing 99% of the in game work. give him a chance and learn the meaning of beta test stage you dumb fucks. maka is one man, as good as he is, not a whole development team.

all xuo players wanted out of this merge was more players and to keep their pvp, but you fucking inr people can't accept this or even give us our 2 things.

I think you should understand this is as close to the middle as inx will get: xuo pvp systems and pits + all your inr shit. another thing you need to relearn the meaning of is merge, not a fucking xuo takeover by inr.

you guys spoke too fucking soon and insulted every xuo aspect. of course xuo players will be pissed, what do you expect? you are trying to eliminate them

you guys have screwed with this shards future because of hating on everything maka has done. maka I know you said in your other thread you wont be reading the forums, but you are the middleman. You are the person who was willing to listen to inr players for what they felt was being left out.

Xuo pvp? spamming. - imported_Unreal - 02-02-2007

Eighty Swords Wrote:I'm sick and tired of me and other xuo players being accused of trying to eliminate any and all inr aspects from inx. Don’t you guys fucking get it? xuo has 2 main features in this shard; pvp and pits, and you fucking inr players have tried changing these two things already and you haven't even played the beta shard for 1 day.

xuo player's haven’t tried eliminating any one inr aspect; your rp, events, quests, deco, etc. everything has been accepted because we see the bigger picture. if you guys had any brains you would of waited and seen that there will be more inr shit then xuo shit, but no you just had to bitch about it and want everything your way. I think, actually i know, that you inr players are all scarred of losing inr features so you went on the offensive and started bashing on our xuo features because you fear a take over.

stfu and seriously try the shit before you start dissing it.

unreal you gotta be one of the dumbest people I know... you hate on maka's work then turn around and say I have nothing against you maka. don't you fucking understand that when you hate on maka's work, you hate on him?

you other inr players need to shut the fuck up and be patient because maka is doing 99% of the in game work. give him a chance and learn the meaning of beta test stage you dumb fucks. maka is one man, as good as he is, not a whole development team.

all xuo players wanted out of this merge was more players and to keep their pvp, but you fucking inr people can't accept this or even give us our 2 things.

I think you should understand this is as close to the middle as inx will get: xuo pvp systems and pits + all your inr shit. another thing you need to relearn the meaning of is merge, not a fucking xuo takeover by inr.

you guys spoke too fucking soon and insulted every xuo aspect. of course xuo players will be pissed, what do you expect? you are trying to eliminate them

you guys have screwed with this shards future because of hating on everything maka has done. maka I know you said in your other thread you wont be reading the forums, but you are the middleman. You are the person who was willing to listen to inr players for what they felt was being left out.

I agree with you man...I appoligized already and Ill do it again Im sorry..I just woke up this morning pissed dog chewed my new shoes up and pissed and shit on my floor...Just had to vent and did it in a wrong way..Shoulda just beat the dog with the fukin shoe:doubt:

Xuo pvp? spamming. - imported_Duke - 02-03-2007

You are all fucking idiots, this was about stopping MASS SPAMMING not spamming alltogether if you guys cant read.
Im sorry if you cant pvp without
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Kal Vas Flam
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Kal Vas Flam
Kal Vas Flam
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Kal Vas Flam

spam is to hide ur spells. YOUR NOT FOOLING ANYONE with spam while your hitting someone with a weapon. Personally I dont give a shit about the spam , but if it makes other people happy take off the bloody macro that is turned on from the start till the end of the duel and only use it when necessary. The matter has already been deallt 10 spam per 4 second, however I think that if they exeed this they should be blocked from spamming for enough time to disadvantage them a bit, so that when they acutally need it they cant spam. This would make people more aware and contorl how much they spam.