Move server to the US -
imported_Tabion - 11-29-2007
From the where do you live poll
USA - 26
Europe - 36
Australia - 7
Canada - 11
Granted thats only a few people that voted but I would not say that a majority of the shard is European. Maybe half at best but it isn't about what would help half the shard, its about helping all of the shard.
My current ping to inx's host can range from 90 - 300 for some reason. I get nasty spikes of lag and I ping their host and see low 300s. When I see myself lag like that at 300 I think how I would quit if it was any higher and yet there are the aussie players here dealing with double that ping. So should they just be ignored? Just because there are more people in other countries that play doesn't mean that we can't round the server out to be beneficial to everyone.
The server doesn't have to move to the US but it would probably give everyone an equal ping if the server is on the east or west coast. I wouldn't care where the server is but I don't think certain players should be ignored because of their location.
By the way that Virginia host is really nice :p I ping 20 - 23 to it
I ping 70 - 75 to the L.A. one
And I ping 50 to the Texas one.
Anyways, maybe someone could pick some possible cheap servers in Europe or something for us all to ping so we can see what would round out to be the best for everyone, not just some.
Move server to the US -
imported_Elcid - 11-29-2007
LoL Tab that poll is way off...
I have like 20 people in empire.... 16 - 18 of them are aussies... then theres another 6 or so in Templar and i know of atleast another 5 - 6 that are guildless..
Move server to the US -
imported_Smurtle - 11-29-2007
Just say it's even per sector, North America, Europe, Australia being the large ones..Now, collect a number of pings to certain preferred servers and see which is the overall best one.
If people really want better pings they'll do it. It doesn't take much to register and post one line of text.
Move server to the US -
imported_Tabion - 11-29-2007
Elcid Wrote:LoL Tab that poll is way off...
I have like 20 people in empire.... 16 - 18 of them are aussies... then theres another 6 or so in Templar and i know of atleast another 5 - 6 that are guildless..
yea yea I know it is way off. I was trying to say that there isn't a majority in one specific place but in 3 specific places; Europe, N. America, and Australia. I apparently failed at that because I lose my train of thought easily and started rambling on about useless nonsense.
Smurtle Wrote:Just say it's even per sector, North America, Europe, Australia being the large ones..Now, collect a number of pings to certain preferred servers and see which is the overall best one.
I completely agree. It should be a decent average for everyone, not godly ping for some and unplayable for others. Unfortunately we need everyone to participate in such research and only like 1/3 of the shard (random guess) actually comes to the forums.
Move server to the US -
imported_Jarhead - 11-29-2007
Elcid Wrote:LoL Tab that poll is way off...
I have like 20 people in empire.... 16 - 18 of them are aussies... then theres another 6 or so in Templar and i know of atleast another 5 - 6 that are guildless..
Yea the poll is way off, I still say that the majority is Europeans, if you go to a pvp event you will see a small sample of why I am saying the majority is European, I am sure the admins know better than us, since they can check the ip of each one.
Move server to the US -
imported_Elcid - 11-29-2007
Jarhead Wrote:Yea the poll is way off, I still say that the majority is Europeans, if you go to a pvp event you will see a small sample of why I am saying the majority is European, I am sure the admins know better than us, since they can check the ip of each one.
LoL, the only reason you see more european people at a pvp event is because the majority of the pvp events have been hosted in the European time zones... when the rest of us are at work or sleeping...
Move server to the US -
imported_Aghast - 11-29-2007
the majority
is Europeans.. No doubt about it.
But that don't mean that we shouldn't find a US host if needed.
Move server to the US -
imported_wold - 11-29-2007
i reckon the shard is 50/50 o dont think the majority are from europe. the only reason u see europeans at pvp events is firstly like elcid said the staff hold them in euro time where we are away AND the lag gives us no chance in pvp so why turn up.
i just wana see more rounded pings... euros are gonna get higher pings but 100-200 is playable and worth sacrificing rather than seeing 50% of the shard leave due to lag.
I for one know that if the lag doesnt get dealt with i wont be sticking around, which is a pity. but im definitly gonna stick around to see if we cant fix it.
Move server to the US -
imported_Smurtle - 11-29-2007
Pings first, tournaments later. Who gives a **** about tournaments when you're ping is 500? I'm sure Elcid and the other Aussie-posse want to actually be able to PLAY before anything else. So long as it doesn't sacrifice the pings of the majority.
A move to a better path is one of the best things to do. I've played on XUO and it's always been hosted on XS4ALL and I've always had an awesome ping. Maybe around 20, but it's kinda rough these days...
Move server to the US -
imported_Love - 11-29-2007
At xs4all I usually get an average of 100, instead of more of 200 in the three servers posted before.
Iôm from Spain, Europe.
Move server to the US -
imported_Smurtle - 11-29-2007
Maybe there is just an overall problem with the server, routes, or the amount of space the shard actually sucks up.
Move server to the US -
imported_Okan - 11-29-2007
the shard is beginning to be real enjoyable pvp wise, most people are almost done training skills and this is when the server should be cutting loose. if the lag issue is fixed by relocating server this would make it much much more enjoyable to play on...