Looking for 5 (or so), very critical, sphere .51 fans - maka - 01-15-2007
First is fixed, the other two are not. I seriously doubt the EVs worked like that, but I'll have someone putting up TUS XUO and checking it.
You can repair with warhammer though, just not smith with it
Looking for 5 (or so), very critical, sphere .51 fans -
imported_SombraX - 01-15-2007
I totally remember it as i and some friends were damaging some armors in order to repair them and gain blacksmithy and the vortex didn't fight eachother UNLESS they were 1 spot next to the other one
Looking for 5 (or so), very critical, sphere .51 fans -
imported_Taran - 01-15-2007
It's true, EV's and BS's always fought the closest monster. That's why you always tried to run around another person/mob if you had one after you... hehe
Looking for 5 (or so), very critical, sphere .51 fans -
imported_Odium - 01-15-2007
yeah u were able to have 2 evs at same dragon =)
Looking for 5 (or so), very critical, sphere .51 fans -
imported_SombraX - 01-15-2007
I own
Looking for 5 (or so), very critical, sphere .51 fans -
imported_Odium - 01-15-2007
atm, evs dont flee free eachothers and u cant summon a ev on a little hill if u stand "downhill" =P target cant be seen. this is a small hill witch u can walk up and down from =o. like a ramp.
Looking for 5 (or so), very critical, sphere .51 fans -
imported_Boromir - 01-15-2007
Same thing needs to be fixed for Blade Spirits, you was able to put like 7 of them on a monster, those things didn't attack eachother. Only you or someone else which was behind them
Looking for 5 (or so), very critical, sphere .51 fans -
imported_Odium - 01-15-2007
they did damage everything around them :o
Looking for 5 (or so), very critical, sphere .51 fans -
imported_SombraX - 01-15-2007
Actually, it was not possible to cast more than 2 EV on both sides of the monster, as their priority when it was 1 spot close was to attack the EV instead of the monster, when attacking a human it was possible to do up to 3 vortex with a strange technique that involved moving the player between the vortex
Looking for 5 (or so), very critical, sphere .51 fans -
imported_juggobuggo - 01-15-2007
return of the lunar dragon? please?
Looking for 5 (or so), very critical, sphere .51 fans - maka - 01-15-2007
I'm not sure with how happy I am with "stealing" nos idea, but it's something we can look into.
Looking for 5 (or so), very critical, sphere .51 fans -
imported_Fable - 01-15-2007
LOL fuck lunar, Undine ftw or none of them at all:badgrin: