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For your consideration. - Andrew - 03-02-2012

Weapons fizzling spells sound good, instead of everything making spells fizzle Tongue

For your consideration. - Habibi Jones - 03-03-2012

Again, skipped many pages.

Lags, even giving weapons a CHANCE to fizzle spells is absurd here. What happens if I have an elven bow and you aren't free to run from me? Well, you're dead really fast and I waste 0 mana doing so...
This is a very very flawed idea... It would completely change/whack up our PvP and make it pretty noobified.
If you understand how things work here then you would also understand that making melee hits fizzle spells is absolute nonsense here... Given that you have no experience here, that means that you have no idea what you're talking about .

edit: For the love of God... Learn the mechanics of this server before you post your opinions/suggestions to change them!
It seriously blows my mind that people think they can make educated propositions when they don't have a got-daym clue how anything works here.
"I didn't know recall could be fizzled"
"I thought a bow couldn't shoot if the player is 1 tile away"
If you can't/haven't figured TRIVIAL things like that out, then you simply don't have the capacity to suggest mechanics changes.... Sorry guys.

For your consideration. - Raziel_ - 03-03-2012

Habibi Jones Wrote:Again, skipped many pages.

Lags, even giving weapons a CHANCE to fizzle spells is absurd here. What happens if I have an elven bow and you aren't free to run from me? Well, you're dead really fast and I waste 0 mana doing so...
This is a very very flawed idea... It would completely change/whack up our PvP and make it pretty noobified.
If you understand how things work here then you would also understand that making melee hits fizzle spells is absolute nonsense here... Given that you have no experience here, that means that you have no idea what you're talking about .

edit: For the love of God... Learn the mechanics of this server before you post your opinions/suggestions to change them!
It seriously blows my mind that people think they can make educated propositions when they don't have a got-daym clue how anything works here.
"I didn't know recall could be fizzled"
"I thought a bow couldn't shoot if the player is 1 tile away"
If you can't/haven't figured TRIVIAL things like that out, then you simply don't have the capacity to suggest mechanics changes.... Sorry guys.

Also the server isnt only about world pvp... most events are based on pvp!
if we change pvp style we have to change events style! the whole server has to be changed... thats pretty big and too drastical.
also runs away from the idea of this server.
maybe when taran creates the diverse arenas we could have events mixing both pvp styles?
maybe an event like a tour with two rounds, 1 without fizzle, one fizzling and if it draws they try out luck to decide the third round... <<< just an idea...
but dont change the world and the events we have now!

For your consideration. - Overdose - 03-03-2012

I am against of what you suggest Raziel. This server is IN and I don't like the idea of seperating communities which in the end will lead to players log in , check "which PvP system is turned on now" and if it's not theirs, they'd log off.

Having certain arena where players from Fizzle PvP can feel nostalgic and at home is great, but there also have to a reason why they'd want to learn the IN PvP.

That is just my opinion though, I speak for myself here and my opinion may not match Taran's(or other staffmembers) opinion regarding this issue.

For your consideration. - Lags - 03-03-2012

Raziel_ Wrote:Also the server isnt only about world pvp... most events are based on pvp!
if we change pvp style we have to change events style! the whole server has to be changed... thats pretty big and too drastical.
also runs away from the idea of this server.
maybe when taran creates the diverse arenas we could have events mixing both pvp styles?
maybe an event like a tour with two rounds, 1 without fizzle, one fizzling and if it draws they try out luck to decide the third round... <<< just an idea...
but dont change the world and the events we have now!

Honsestly I didn't really think about archery when I suggested melee fizzle because all the shards I've played including original UO archery could not shoot if you were on the tile right next to them. I just figured thats how UO had archery set up. You're right it would be retarded and not work.

Stop telling me to "learn the mechanics". I understand how it works. I've been here 4 days learning how the PvP works. How long do you think someone needs to understand? I'm not sure how long it took you to understand it, but it's actually quite a bit less complicated than the PvP that I'm used to. Just because I didn't know that recall could be fizzled or that a bow can shoot no matter where you stand doesn't mean I can't grasp the way PvP works.

Anyways, I suggested the fizzle thing and it seems nobody is interested in it so I dropped it. Never again will you hear me even say the word fizzle. This does not mean that I agree that PvP is perfect or will stop making suggestions.

The fact that you have to rely on the melee Gods smiling on you and giving you hits with good damage bothers me. Lets assume there is a fight between to players of equal skill. One misses a bunch and when he does hit, it does 5 damage. Meanwhile, the guy he is fighting gets lucky. He connects every time he swings and does 35 damage hits. Did the lucky guy deserve the win? Instead of outplaying his opponent, he wins the fight because of something random.

For your consideration. - Maximus - 03-03-2012

Lags Wrote:Honsestly I didn't really think about archery when I suggested melee fizzle because all the shards I've played including original UO archery could not shoot if you were on the tile right next to them. I just figured thats how UO had archery set up. You're right it would be retarded and not work.

Stop telling me to "learn the mechanics". I understand how it works. I've been here 4 days learning how the PvP works. How long do you think someone needs to understand? I'm not sure how long it took you to understand it, but it's actually quite a bit less complicated than the PvP that I'm used to. Just because I didn't know that recall could be fizzled or that a bow can shoot no matter where you stand doesn't mean I can't grasp the way PvP works.

Anyways, I suggested the fizzle thing and it seems nobody is interested in it so I dropped it. Never again will you hear me even say the word fizzle. This does not mean that I agree that PvP is perfect or will stop making suggestions.

The fact that you have to rely on the melee Gods smiling on you and giving you hits with good damage bothers me. Lets assume there is a fight between to players of equal skill. One misses a bunch and when he does hit, it does 5 damage. Meanwhile, the guy he is fighting gets lucky. He connects every time he swings and does 35 damage hits. Did the lucky guy deserve the win? Instead of outplaying his opponent, he wins the fight because of something random.

Lol Lags you are anti-luck.. But also Yea it is annoying being told to learn the mechanics over and over.. It took me 1 day to understand how everything works. I just gotta put a few things together and ill be good to gank -_-

For your consideration. - sm0ke - 03-03-2012

Maximus Wrote:Lol Lags you are anti-luck.. But also Yea it is annoying being told to learn the mechanics over and over.. It took me 1 day to understand how everything works. I just gotta put a few things together and ill be good to gank -_-

Well clearly you don't understand the mechanics still as lags has change his opinion on weapon fizzling

Lags Wrote:Hell ya Max I'm anti-luck! I hate anything in PvP that can change the outcome of a duel because someone got a lucky break.

bandages are all about luck.. so are hits so I don't understand this statement..

For your consideration. - Lags - 03-03-2012

Hell ya Max I'm anti-luck! I hate anything in PvP that can change the outcome of a duel because someone got a lucky break.

For your consideration. - Lags - 03-04-2012

sm0ke Wrote:Well clearly you don't understand the mechanics still as lags has change his opinion on weapon fizzling

bandages are all about luck.. so are hits so I don't understand this statement..

I know they are and I don't like it. I don't like that bandages can heal you for such a wide range of points. I don't like how melee damage is such a wide range either.

For your consideration. - sm0ke - 03-04-2012

Lags Wrote:I know they are and I don't like it. I don't like that bandages can heal you for such a wide range of points. I don't like how melee damage is such a wide range either.

Well I mean that's just part of the game rofl.. if you don't like it don't rely on them use greater heal :p

For your consideration. - Hal - 03-04-2012

Lags Wrote:A few suggestions for ya! Been around UO a long time and have a good idea what works and what doesn't.

- Make melee hits fizzle spells. This works wonders balancing magery and melee for obvious reasons.

-Add some line of sight to PvP areas, especially BB. A lot of people don't like to venture to far away from BB to fight, and the area directly across BB is not set up for PvP very well. The two buildings there are inaccessible for PvP so all you really have to work with is a few trees. I would restore those two buildings to their original and move the casino and duel arenas in order to open those buildings up for open world PvP. Ninos (is it called Ninos here?) is actually an awesome building for PvP. Lots of tables and such for line of sight and it's perfect for epic battles.

-Do something about healing! It was way, way too easy to stay alive! Couple things you could do is make greater heal interruptable or make GH a couple seconds longer to cast.

-A PvP ladder system. Last shard I played I suggested a duel point system that was implemented and was pretty awesome. Everyone starts with 1 PvP point. In order to take someones PvP point you need to kill them from full health being the only person that did damage to them. The person with the most points had a cool newbied item until someone got more points than them, then the item would automatically go to the leader. This would encourage more 1v1 dueling and maybe less ganking.

-I'm not even going to suggest to make spells interrupt I saw how that went.

Opinions guys? C'mon, everyone's got one don't be shy. Especially you Taran. What do you think?

the problem with PvP ladders is that they encourage dood behavior. What I mean by this is the server just becomes a PvP competition rather than an immersive online world where PvP is one aspect of the server. UO is an RPG.

For your consideration. - Eru - 03-04-2012

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