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Lags - 03-04-2012
No mounts might be fun!
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sm0ke - 03-04-2012
It won't ever happen due to the fact of all the people who have GM taming or enjoy the ride collecting part of the game, and the value of those rides. There time will have been wasted
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Ramza - 03-04-2012
Mounts are good for the economy so I don't think removing mounts will work. Would be interesting though.
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Lags - 03-04-2012
Ramza Wrote:Mounts are good for the economy so I don't think removing mounts will work. Would be interesting though.
True, true.
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Hal - 03-05-2012
Ramza Wrote:Mounts are good for the economy so I don't think removing mounts will work. Would be interesting though.
All things sold from player to player are good for the economy but i wouldn't put mounts very high on the list. With mounts you are essentially transferring wealth from one rich person to another.
the reason why removing mounts would be unpopular is because people are used to traveling at certain speeds and people like having colored mounts.
someone said it would kill the taming skill. There are fixes around this. For instance you could still have wild mustangs of different colors and players able to tame them. The difference is you could only sell them to NPC's.
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sm0ke - 03-05-2012
Well regardless there isn't mounts in event's so I don't see how the problem is mounts :p Removing them wouldn't really change anything but only slow people down in game..
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Scare crow - 03-05-2012
1 - Add a new type of scroll equivalent to FS but takes Lives away instead of Mana (46 Damage) ..
2 - lower GHEAL Scroll Mana ..
3 - Maybe add a 3 hit in a row limit to the weaps ..
4 - Make FS do 46 damage and cost more mana
5 - Light sucks in this PVP, it needs to also do more damage
6 - Aids should not be able to heal 80 HP 4 times in a row while someones getting dumped ..
7 - Clumsy takes too much mana
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Lags - 03-05-2012
Scare crow Wrote:1 - Add a new type of scroll equivalent to FS but takes Lives away instead of Mana (46 Damage) ..
2 - lower GHEAL Scroll Mana ..
3 - Maybe add a 3 hit in a row limit to the weaps ..
4 - Make FS do 46 damage and cost more mana
5 - Light sucks in this PVP, it needs to also do more damage
6 - Aids should not be able to heal 80 HP 4 times in a row while someones getting dumped ..
7 - Clumsy takes too much mana
Gheal seems to be overpowered as it is, why make it cost less mana?
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Scare crow - 03-05-2012
Lags Wrote:Gheal seems to be overpowered as it is, why make it cost less mana?
The scroll costs a few mana too much in my opinion. The GHEAL Sxcroll should definately have a bigger impact on mana than the spell but not as much as it does not in my opinion.
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Habibi Jones - 03-05-2012
GH is by no means overpowered... Lightening and FS are underpowered (weak).
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Lags - 03-05-2012
Habibi Jones Wrote:GH is by no means overpowered... Lightening and FS are underpowered (weak).
I'll go with that.
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Scare crow - 03-05-2012
Yup. There's defiantly a few things that can be tweaked to make the PVP experience even more satisfying than it already is. Habibi has the right idea too. Good suggestions. Let's make FS do mad damage (46) and cost more mana. This would be a great start.